Gillian Thayer’s calligraphy business helps to keep her mind off two small headstones in the cemetery. Still healing from the death of her twins during birth, Gillian absorbs another emotional blow when she finds a love letter addressed to her husband Marc, a pastor and counselor. But before Gillian can confront him, a gunshot shatters her already fragile world. Gillian’s family is forced to leave Chicago to escape the eye of the media. Together they seek refuge in Whistler’s Point, a historic lighthouse on Lake Superior near the tiny town of Newberry, Michigan. But they are not the only new arrivals looking for a place to lay low. Haydon Owens, an amateur magician and accomplished killer, has also come to Newberry hoping to start a new life, but he isn’t there long before he spots another potential victim.
Fatal Illusions is a tale that brings together the best of several writing elements, and weaves them into a suspenseful and compelling read that contains a satisfying spiritual and emotional depth. Adam Blumer’s writing takes a look at realistic struggles faced by many Christians today. He sets these issues amid the disturbing criminal case of a serial killer, and as he carefully merges the story lines, the reader is amazed at how the emotional/spiritual aspects of the primary story is mirrored in the dark depravity of the criminal. Everyone is seeking to obey someone – is it the voice of God, of man, or the devil himself?
Marc and Gillian Thayer serve as pastor and wife in a large urban congregation. When one of Marc’s church members reveals her psychologically disturbed state, the Thayers suddenly find themselves in what seems to be an unending nightmare. Death has already touched their lives once, and when Marc’s life is almost snuffed out, they are forced to relocate and re-examine their lives as never before.
Other lives also hang in the balance, and the Thayer’s struggles prove to be a mirror image of some darker, more sinister disturbances taking place in the life of one lonely, misunderstood young man who suffers an un-natural fascination with Houdini. This man has already taken the lives of several young women, and the Thayer’s lives are on a collision course with his demented mind. When their daughter Crystal becomes the object of the killer’s desire the entire community of Whistler’s Point is shaken to its core.
Adam Blumer doesn’t shy away from presenting the spiritual struggles taking place in the lives of his characters as they face times of hardship. The Thayer’s wind up dealing with one horror after another, and along the way they are forced to examine their faith in a very personal – and sometimes painful – way. I appreciated this aspect of his writing a great deal, and I loved the way he blended it with the hunt for the serial killer! The ending was particularly amazing – over and over again!! It still gives me the creeps!
I highly recommend Fatal Illusions and look forward to reading more stories by Adam Blumer!
Adam Blumer lives in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula with his wife, Kim, and his daughters, Laura and Julia. (See pictures.) He works full-time as a freelance writer and editor. A print journalism graduate of Bob Jones University (Greenville, SC), he served in editorial roles for fourteen years at Northland Baptist Bible College (Dunbar, WI) and Awana Clubs International Headquarters (Streamwood, IL). He has published numerous short stories and articles. Kregel Publications (Grand Rapids, MI) released his first novel, Fatal Illusions, on March 31, 2009.
Great review. (No surprise there!) Mine is set to post Wed.
Thanks again for the great review. I really appreciate it.
Adam Blumer
Novelist, Fatal Illusions: http://www.adamblumerbooks.com
Freelance editing: http://www.blumer.org/adam
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