Please give a warm welcome to Alice as she discusses her novel with us today! Welcome to my Window, Alice!
The Japanese people are steeped in tradition, not unlike the folks in the South. Who was your inspiration for Ducee?
Ducee is around us. Just look to see people like her, folk who are certain that their way is correct (those “Southern Truths” Ducee prides herself on). I suppose I gathered bits and pieces from my own relationships and came up with a character like the maternal grandmother, Ducee.
Are you native to
I live in the South now –
The Loss of a loved one early in life seems to carry an enormous emotional impact. Why do you think it feels so urgent to understand that unfulfilled relationship? To honor that person’s place in life no matter how brief?
My novels will always have life as well as death in them, because that is the way I view living. Daniel, my 4-year-old son, was diagnosed with cancer in 1996 and died in my arms after months of intense treatments. We honor his sweet life all the time, including sending balloons up to Heaven, just as the characters in Rain Song do. Daniel taught me volumes from his brief life. His impact on me is my biggest inspiration. He was our Brave Cookie.
Have you always been a writer?
Yes, ever since my first grade teacher at
What was the inspiration for this particular story?
I think I wanted to create something with a little mystery. I often wonder what it would be like to meet someone who knows more about your past that you do. That’s what happens to Nicole when she meets
Will there be more stories featuring Nicole or members of her family, or will Rain Song be a stand alone story?
People are asking for a sequel to Rain Song. However, my next novel is not a sequel. How Sweet It Is, due out on May 2009, is a totally different story. The only similarity is that it’s also set in the South with quirky characters. Oh, also, someone has died in it. And there is food, yes the love of food! The main character, Deena, is a cake decorator.
What exciting things is God doing in your life right now?
After a series of rotten events, I’m experiencing some light in my skies. I have a wonderful boyfriend who adores me. That is a blessing I value very highly. My three children love me, too. Not everyone can say that about their kids.
Any words of encouragement you want to leave with your readers?
I appreciate my readers! They are the gems of the earth. I look forward to meeting them all one day.

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