Well blogger buddies, I'm pondering this massive amount of reading I've committed to in 2009 and wondering....what can I do to make this better for my readers? I'll continue author interviews and give aways, but I'm sort of stumped as far as ideas for something new to do in the new year. I want my blog to be a place folks come to learn about great books in the Christian market, to be encouraged and challenged by the books they choose to read. I also want it to be a place where avid readers come and visit each other.
I'd like to ask you for ideas. I'm trying to do a more complete blend of reading choices...young adult, non-fiction and fiction...but I'd like to know what YOU think. Is there something I can do for you the reader that would help fill in an information gap that you have in your reading? Please, leave a comment and let me know your thoughts.
In the mean time, I'll be reading frantically trying to get some reviews and interviews completed for your reading pleasure. The Lord is mighty at work in the lives of His people, and those called to write the stories He has given them. I pray that I can help authors and readers in 2009 to get the exciting word out about all that God is doing in our lives!
I look forward to getting to know you and hearing from you more as the New Year begins!
In His Service,
You're doing a great job, Kim. I'm interested in adult fiction and love to read a blogger's thoughts. It doesn't have to be a long review; just a few sentences will do. Thanks for the time you put into reading and blogging!
- Carole
I think you're doing an awesome job and the authors sure seem to think so too :) love ya, friend!
You are pretty da bomb... don't mess with greatness.
Curious. How many books did you read this year. I thought I'd cut back from the previous year's pile of 111. Yeah. I did. Down to 93. Oh, that explains the massive quantity of time I had for other pursuits. : ) But you, girl, had to read WAY more.
Personally, I prefer to read a blogger's comments/reviews about a book as opposed to canned content from the author/publisher.
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