Gone to Green – the title initially had my mind thinking about radical environmentalism, so I was curious when I read the back of the book and found out the story centered around a lady taking charge of a small, rural newspaper. As it turns out, Gone to Green is really a story about learning to trust God’s direction in our lives and listening for His voice when we ask for His help.
Lois Barker is a single lady on the fast track to a huge editor’s position in the corporate news industry when she finds herself inheriting ownership of a small, rural newspaper. As if moving from a large city to a very small, rural community wasn’t challenge enough, Lois finds herself face to face with small-town power plays, racism and a host of other well-hidden secrets that have been draining the life from the little town of
All along the way, God places people of quiet faith in Lois’ path, gently nudging her back to her faith and encouraging her to discover God’s plan for her life. Gone to Green is a quick read with a straight-forward story line. If you enjoy contemporary fiction, you will appreciate Judy Christies’s style, and you will enjoy a brief adventure into rural
Funny thing, the descriptions of this rural town remind me very much of the rural area of
Please visit the publisher's website to learn more about this book, read sample chapters and purchase your own copy!
Judy Pace Christie, after working as a journalist for twenty-five years, left the daily news business to open a consulting firm that works with individuals, businesses, and churches on strategies for meaningful life and work, including goal-setting, living fully, and balancing personal and professional lives. She is the author of Hurry Less, Worry Less; Hurry Less, Worry Less at Christmastime; and co-author of Awesome Altars. Judy and her husband live in northwest Louisiana. website: www.judychristie.com.
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