A Christy finalist and winner of numerous industry awards, Linda has written for Multnomah Publishing (historical fiction and contemporary romances), Barbour Publishing (romcom novella), and Westbow Press (the Moonstruck romantic comedy trilogy). Wedding Bell Blues the first book in her new The Piper Cove Chronicles series, is featured on Avon Inspire's launch list.
In addition to writing and doing fiction-writing workshops at conferences across the country, Linda continues a music and lay speaking ministry started by her and her late husband, and she is a part-time financial analyst. She also works on “as desperately needed” home improvement projects on the 18th-century-plus house that she and her husband began restoring in 1986. Wallpaper and paint are definitely in her near future.
An Interview with Linda: Welcome!!
1. In you bio information on your site, it appears as if you are quite a multi-talented lady: musician, writer, financial consultant...yet writing seems to be center stage. How long have you been writing and how have your varied talents shown up in your novels?
I've been published since 1990, sixteen sexy historicals and contemporary romances before God booted me over the the inspirational market in 1999 with Multnomah's Hi Honey I'm Home. As for employing my other pursuits in my writing, I can't say that I have. Although my hero in Wedding Bell Blues, the prequel to For Pete's Sake was a musician, so I was able to write about the passion for music that makes all musicians kindred spirits.
2. Your "Dear Reader" letter at the close of this book mentions the recent loss of your husband. Is this your first romance since that time and is the reality of
No and yes, to a degree. When Jim died, I was in the middle of Blue Moon, the last of Thomas Nelson's Moonstruck Trilogy. But I'd built in sufficient momentum that, while difficult, I managed to finish that book. The hardest book I ever wrote was Wedding Bell Blues, where I had to start from scratch with characters and, worse, their emotions. I turned the book in late after struggling many times during its writing to just quit altogether. My emotions were so closely guarded in my grief, that I wouldn't let my characters give more than cursory attention to their own crises. In the brain fog I experienced on so many days, I was lucky to put two coherent words together. I wound up writing that book twice, not including edits.
And despite all my editing, I still let two bloopers slip through. My hero had a Rhett Butler (GWTW) moment and swore "D_mn, I still love you, Alex," and one of my unsaved secondary characters exclaimed "Oh my g_wd!" While my publisher and I can not retrieve those books already out there, future printings of Wedding Bell Blues will NOT have those words in them.
So, to anyone who read WBB and was offended, please accept my humblest apologies. We've done all we can to correct the situation.
As for
That all depends on my readers and, of course, God. If the first two books of the series do not sell well, the remaining two will not be published. If God sees fit for them to be published, then
4. Asperger's Syndrome as well as Autism seems to be a growing neurological problem today. Based on your experience, can you share some encouragement for someone who might be struggling through this with their own child?
First, your child is so very special. He or she is a beautiful, and often brilliant, soul chained by handicap that can be overcome with proper counseling and behavioral modification. For more information, go to http://www.autism-society.org/site/PageServer or Google it for other sites. There is heartbreak for this problem but there is also so much hope.
5. You have created a wonderful seaside/creek/marshland backdrop for this story. Is this similar to where you live or is it just a favorite location type? What draws you to the water environment?
I live in this area. I created Piper Cove from a combination of two local towns:
6. Any closing words of encouragement about exciting things God is doing in your life right now?
God is always keeping me on my toes. My daughter was married recently and I have the honor of going on her honeymoon with her. Now how many moms can say that? Okay, actually it's a cruise to
How is this God's work? Over the past decade or so, my huge family dinners have been reduced to one small table as our loved ones have gone home. It's been heartbreaking for me, who always wanted--and by His grace had--a Walton's household. With my daughter's marriage, I gained a son and two adorable grandchildren. My table is filling again.
With regard to writing, God hasn't stopped there either. If Wedding Bell Blues was my trial and tribulation book, For Pete's Sake was a milestone in healing. My characters could freely face spiritual dilemmas and love again.
That is why I am now able to write Jan's book, the third of the bosom buddies--best friends through thick and thin since highschool--in this series. You see, Jan is shy, with low self-esteem, the kind of gal who always wants the wrong kind of guy. Readers of the first two books will be wanting Jan to dump the guy she's been with and this is exactly what she's going to do. Jan is going to come into her own...by discovering her worthiness to the God she's ignored for so many years. I am anxious to write her story. You see, I've been Jan too. Not that I've gone for the wrong kind of guys, but I've struggled with low self-esteem and chemical depression. And God has pulled me from the dark depths and made me feel loved.
That's why romance is so popular, IMHO. Fifty percent of book sales are romance. (And of those, according to Romance Writers of America statistics, the second most popular subgenre is inspirational romance.)
What does that say?
That there is a deep-seated need in all of us to feel loved. The romantic love alone won't fill that need. (Think about how widows and singles get by. I'll be they don't do it well without knowing the love of God.) In Sweet Nothins, book #3 of the Piper Cove Chronicles, Jan discovers this. She has to have God's love first and foremost. Only in knowing and accepting that love, are we truly set free to love as God designed us to love.
At least that's my two cents worth on the significant appeal of the overall romance genre. And with inspirational romance, we begin to see this indispensable need brought to light.
This week Easter approaches and what better season to focus on the greatest love of all.
God bless and keep you and yours in His love and light always,
Linda Windsor
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