Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Hardest Peace by Kara Tippetts - REVEIWED

About the Book:

A young mother battling cancer invites readers to embrace grace in every season of life.

Kara Tippetts knows the mundane but rich days of mothering four kids, the joy of watching her children grow.and the devastating reality of stage-four cancer. 

In The Hardest Peace, she invites readers to see the grace of the everyday in all seasons of life and to live well even when the living is hard. As the thousands of readers of her blog know, Tippetts explores the hardest questions of life with rare beauty and honesty. Most of all, she draws them back to the God who is present, in the ordinary and the suffering, and shapes every life into the best story of all.

Purchase a copy HERE.

My Thoughts:
But the redemption of my hard yesterdays gives me a softened heart to walk in my tomorrows.” (p. 35)

The Hardest Peace….it is a book that takes an honest look at the journey that leads each of us to the cross.  This is a beautiful, hard, haunting, and sometimes brutal book to read.  To hear the words of the author state that she may not live to see this book bound by the publisher…well, that’s hard. 

And yet, God has gifted Kara Tippetts with the gift of sharing His transforming power that has flooded her life.  Kara has looked into the face of suffering and found peace.  It is a rare gift indeed – peace.  Kara asks some very thought-provoking questions at the end of each chapter.  If you take the time to consider and answer these questions, you will embark on your own journey of spiritual growth.  This book is a gift born out of brokenness.  However, it is this same brokenness that God uses to transform the lives of His children into bright lights of hope in this very dark and desperate world.

The Hardest Peace tells Kara’s story.  It tells the story of others in her life.  It is her story. It is every believer’s story.  You will laugh, you will weep, you will rejoice, you will be left searching for what God has to bring from your own story.  He does promise to bring good from what the enemy means for harm. Kara Tippetts’ life is a beautiful testimony of this truth.   How I praise God for her story!  My own story is different.  My crucible was different.  But I can testify to God’s faithfulness and I can rejoice in this Hardest Peace.  Hallaluia!!

Below you will find some examples of the questions found at the end of each chapter.  These will cause you to consider you life in a different way.

· In what ways are you a safe place for other people? Think of someone you know who is hurting. How can you pursue them and become a safe place for their messiness? Not save them necessarily, but be a safe place to fall?

· When you pray for God to lift you out of fear and dread, do you truly believe He can and will? Why or why not? What is an example of when He did, and what is an example of when you felt He didn't? How did He show you His goodness in both answers?

About the Author:

Kara Tippetts and her husband, Jason, have four children and lead a church in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Cancer is only part of Kara's story. Her real fight is to truly live while facing a crushing reality. 

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