You never know when I might play a wild card on you!
and the book:
David C. Cook; New edition edition (June 1, 2009)

Author website: www.davidccook.com – www.bonniegrove.com
Visit the author's website.
“People,” I said. “I’d be perfectly happy in my life if it weren’t for other people.” (p. 287)
Kate Davis has a life filled with people who want to help her as she faces the sudden death of her husband. One person in particular seems bent on sharing an opinion with her about every detail of her life – her dead husband. Talking to the Dead is a beautifully written but very disturbing book to read. As the layers of the plot are revealed, the reader’s understanding of Kate’s struggles is brought into painful clarity, and the grief that is consuming her becomes its own character.
But God is faithful, even in the face of Kate’s unbelief, to bring the people she needs most into her life. It doesn’t necessarily ease her pain, and it certainly doesn’t negate her problems, but it does teach her about One who loves her even in the midst of her mess. Kate’s journey to bring her life back into focus is filled with more-than-her-fair-share of hard situations. Yet the reader is not allowed to discount that some of the situations have come to exist because of Kate’s own choices, and that in itself is a very painful realization.
Talking to the Dead is very skillfully written. Never have I seen grief captured in such painful clarity as I have read in this book. However, I’d be less than honest if I failed to tell you that I almost quit reading half-way through. I grew frustrated with the main character’s inability to stand up for herself. Even though I recognized that she was dealing with an incredible amount of ugly circumstances, I just wanted to shake her at times! I’m very glad I kept going though, because the ending was what I’d hoped it would be.
On a personal level, I do wish that sin and how it relates to our need for forgiveness had been explored a bit more. Yes, God does reach us in our depravity, and yes, He is with us in every circumstance, but we come into relationship with God through faith and repentance, not just because we need to be delivered out of dire circumstances. I understood why the author strongly discounted legalism, but she missed a good opportunity to use the basketball coach (Jack) to really witness to Kate with the full gospel message.
But, that’s my opinion. And it in no way discounts the beauty of redemption displayed in this story. Bonnie Grove in an incredible writer, and I’m convinced she understands that God loves us most when we are the least lovable and are wallowing amid our darkest moments. This was a painfully difficult story to read in places, but it was a realistic look at life and how God uses others to bring us back to Him and wholeness. I look forward to reading more stories from Bonnie Grove’s pen!
Product Details:
List Price: $14.99
Paperback: 384 pages
Publisher: David C. Cook; New edition edition (June 1, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1434766411
ISBN-13: 978-1434766410
Kevin was dead and the people in my house wouldn’t go home. They mingled after the funeral, eating sandwiches, drinking tea, and speaking in muffled tones. I didn’t feel grateful for their presence. I felt exactly nothing.
Funerals exist so we can close doors we’d rather leave open. But where did we get the idea that the best approach to facing death is to eat Bundt cake? I refused to pick at dainties and sip hot drinks. Instead, I wandered into the back yard.
I knew if I turned my head I’d see my mother’s back as she guarded the patio doors. Mom would let no one pass. As a recent widow herself, she knew my need to stare into my loss alone.
I sat on the porch swing and closed my eyes, letting the June sun warm my bare arms. Instead of closing the door on my pain, I wanted it to swing from its hinges so the searing winds of grief could scorch my face and body. Maybe I hoped to die from exposure.
Kevin had been dead three hours before I had arrived at the hospital. A long time for my husband to be dead without me knowing. He was so altered, so permanently changed without my being aware.
I had stood in the emergency room, surrounded by faded blue cotton curtains, looking at the naked remains of my husband while nurses talked in hushed tones around me. A sheet covered Kevin from his hips to his knees. Tubes, which had either carried something into or away from his body, hung disconnected and useless from his arms. The twisted remains of what I assumed to be some sort of breathing mask lay on the floor. “What happened?” I said in a whisper so faint I knew no one could hear. Maybe I never said it at all. A short doctor with a pronounced lisp and quiet manner told me Kevin’s heart killed him. He used difficult phrases; medical terms I didn’t know, couldn’t understand. He called it an episode and said it was massive. When he said the word massive, spit flew from his mouth, landing on my jacket’s lapel. We had both stared at it.
When my mother and sister, Heather, arrived at the hospital, they gazed speechlessly at Kevin for a time, and then took me home. Heather had whispered with the doctor, their heads close together, before taking a firm hold on my arm and walking me out to her car. We drove in silence to my house. The three of us sat around my kitchen table looking at each other.
Several times my mother opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Our words had turned to cotton, thick and dry. We couldn’t work them out of our throats. I had no words for my abandonment. Like everything I knew to be true had slipped out the back door when I wasn’t looking.
“What happened?” I said again. This time I knew I had said it out loud. My voice echoed back to me off the kitchen table.
“Remember how John Ritter died? His heart, remember?” This from Heather, my younger, smarter sister. Kevin had died a celebrity’s death.
From the moment I had received the call from the hospital until now, I had allowed other people to make all of my bereavement decisions. My mother and mother-in-law chose the casket and placed the obituary in the paper. Kevin’s boss at the bank, Donna Walsh, arranged for the funeral parlor and even called the pastor from the church that Kevin had attended until he was sixteen to come and speak. Heather silently held my hand through it all. I didn’t feel grateful for their help.
I sat on the porch swing, and my right foot rocked on the grass, pushing and pulling the swing. My head hurt. I tipped it back and rested it on the cold, inflexible metal that made up the frame for the swing. It dug into my skull. I invited the pain. I sat with it; supped with it.
I opened my eyes and looked up into the early June sky. The clouds were an unmade bed. Layers of white moved rumpled and languid past the azure heavens. Their shapes morphed and faded before my eyes. A Pegasus with the face of a dog; a veiled woman fleeing; a villain; an elf. The shapes were strange and unreliable, like dreams. A monster, a baby—I wanted to reach up to touch its soft, wrinkled face. I was too tired. Everything was gone, lost, emptied out.
I had arrived home from the hospital empty handed. No Kevin. No car—we left it in the hospital parking lot for my sister to pick up later. “No condition to drive,” my mother had said. She meant me.
Empty handed. The thought, incomplete and vague, crept closer to consciousness. There should have been something. I should have brought his things home with me. Where were his clothes? His wallet? Watch? Somehow, they’d fled the scene.
“How far could they have gotten?” I said to myself. Without realizing it, I had stood and walked to the patio doors. “Mom?” I said as I walked into the house.
She turned quickly, but said nothing. My mother didn’t just understand what was happening to me. She knew. She knew it like the ticking of a clock, the wind through the windows, like everything a person gets used to in life. It had only been eight months since Dad died. She knew there was little to be said. Little that should be said. Once, after Dad’s funeral, she looked at Heather and me and said, “Don’t talk. Everyone has said enough words to last for eternity.”
I noticed how tall and straight she stood in her black dress and sensible shoes. How long must the dead be buried before you can stand straight again? “What happened to Kevin’s stuff?” Mom glanced around as if checking to see if a guest had made off with the silverware.
I swallowed hard and clarified. “At the hospital. He was naked.” A picture of him lying motionless, breathless on the white sheets filled my mind. “They never gave me his things. His, whatever, belongings. Effects.”
“I don’t know, Kate,” she said. Like it didn’t matter. Like I should stop thinking about it. I moved past her, careful not to touch her, and went in search of my sister.
Heather sat on my secondhand couch in my living room, a two seater with the pattern of autumn leaves. She held an empty cup and a napkin; dark crumbs tumbling off onto the carpet. Her long brown hair, usually left down, was pulled up into a bun. She looked pretty and sad. She saw me coming, her brown eyes widening in recognition. Recognition that she should do something. Meet my needs, help me, make time stand still. She quickly ended the conversation she was having with Kevin’s boss, and met me in the middle of the living room.
“Hey,” she said, touching my arm. I took a small step back, avoiding her warm fingers.
“Where would his stuff go?” I blurted out. Heather’s eyebrows snapped together in confusion. “Kevin’s things,” I said. “They never gave me his things. I want to go and get them. Will you come?”
Heather stood very still for a moment, straight backed like she was made of wood, then relaxed. “You mean at the hospital. Right, Kate? Kevin’s things at the hospital?” Tears welled in my eyes. “There was nothing. You were there. When we left, they never gave e anything of his.” I realized I was trembling.
Heather bit her lower lip, and looked into my eyes. “Let me do that for you. I’ll call the hospital—” I stood on my tiptoes and opened my mouth. “I’ll go,” she corrected before I could say anything. “I’ll go and ask around. I’ll get his stuff and bring it here.”
“I need his things.”
Heather cupped my elbow with her hand. “You need to lie down. Let me get you upstairs, and as soon as you’re settled, I’ll go to the hospital and find out what happened to Kevin’s clothes, okay?”
Fatigue filled the small spaces between my bones. “Okay.” She led me upstairs. I crawled under the covers as Heather closed the door, blocking the sounds of the people below.
Enjoyed your review, as always. This was on my Spring Reading Thing "wanna read" list but I never got it. One of these days, maybe!
I think that mabye Jack didn't witness so boldly because he was so scared of coming across like his dad. Jack admits he doesn't have all the answers, and he could tell that he had to ease Kate into it. To be any more bold about it would have been yet another turnoff to her.
I have to say, you are the first person that I've heard wanted to quit halfway through. :)
But, yeah, she starts standing up for herself doesn't she? (Thinking of the "hold up" scene.)
This is one of the most talked about books that I've worked on in quite a while.
Audra -
Yeah, I understood WHY Jack wasn't more bold, but despite his dad's obnoxious behavior, I still would have liked it if he'd at least attempted to address the issue of sin.
And quit half-way through...just because I was SO FRUSTRATED with Kate! I know she was mentally ill and Lord knows the woman had more than her fair share of bad breaks, but I just wanted to SHAKE the woman!! And I wanted to MURDER her stinkin' husband! Good thing he was dead already!
Bonnie Grove's ability to make her characters REAL was evident in my very strong reactions.
Great review. I enjoyed this one. It was certainly thought-provoking.
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