Awakening Mercy is the first book in her Genesis House series from Tyndale House Publishers. Awakening Mercy was a finalist for both the RITA Award given by Romance Writers of America (RWA) and the Christy Award for Excellence in Christian Fiction. The second book in the Genesis House series, Abiding Hope, was published in September 2001. Abiding Hope was awarded the Emma Award for Best Inspirational Romance presented by the Romance Slam Jam. The third book and final book of the series, Enduring Love, is not yet scheduled.
BET Books, now Harlequin's Kimani Press purchased the mass market rights to Awakening Mercy and Abiding Hope in 2000 and released mass market editions of the titles in June 2002 and June 2003, respectively.
Angela's first hardcover title, The Amen Sisters, was released in September 2005 by Walk Worthy Press. The Essence bestselling title won the Emma Award for Best Inspirational Romance. The trade paperback edition was released in November 2007.
Up Pops the Devil, published by HarperCollins (Avon A) in August 2008, is Angela's tenth novel.
Angela has a diverse education and work history. She majored in mathematics at Spelman College and Industrial Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech), and worked for fifteen years as an engineer in the telecommunications industry. She holds Masters degrees in operations research and human resources development. Her most recent degree is a doctorate in instructional technology from the University of Georgia. Dr. Benson is now an associate professor of educational technology at The University of Alabama.

Tanya, the sleek and sexy mother of his two kids, is much too comfortable with her pearls-and-Porsche lifestyle, and she'll do whatever it takes to maintain it. His sister, Loretta, kept "the business" running smoothly while Preacher was inside, and she can't believe he'd trade Easy Street bling for a nickel-and-dime dead-end job. His one-time girlfriend Serena, now married to his main man Barnard, is hiding a secret—and if past sins come to light, they'll ruin several lives and a very new, very precious friendship between Preacher and Barnard's beautiful-inside-and-out sister, Natalie.
With his world about to explode all around him, Preacher's going to need every ounce of his new-found faith to remain strong. Because it takes a lot to become a new man, sometimes even a miracle.
If you would like to read the Prologue and first chapter of Up Pops The Devil, go HERE
This is the first novel I’ve read from Angela Benson, and I want you to know up front that this lady understands that being a Christian isn’t always easy. She understands that sometimes we have to give up relationships, friendships and old acquaintances when we come to Christ after living a life of sin and self-pleasure. Sometimes those losses can be redeemed. Sometimes they can’t. But no matter what takes place in our lives, if we belong to Christ, He works all things out for our good and His glory. Yes, this book is a confirmation of that truth.
On page 298 the main character, Preacher, pretty much sums up the core of his problems in one very honest statement, “I understand. I could have saved us all a lot of trouble if I’d been up front and honest from day one, couldn’t I?” Deceit is one of the most powerful tools in Satan’s arsenal. Even as Christians, we are tempted to lie to cover up our sins, our shame, our wrong choices…once we start there is no end to the damage we can cause. Preacher came out of prison a new man in Christ, but choosing to lie to his friend Barnard had a ripple effect that shattered trust in many other relationships.
Preacher was not only dishonest with others, but he was dishonest with himself as he tried to hold onto things that, as a Christian, he should have walked away from. Again, the price was greater than he wanted to pay. However, God was faithful here upon the pages of this story, just like He is in the lives of all His children! He works ALL THINGS out for our good and His glory. Sometimes it hurts to do what is right. Don’t miss this gritty, honest tale of a man redeemed taking his first steps of faith into a brand new life.
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