Friday, May 15, 2015

Scripture Memory Songs for Kids and Families - Jennifer Shaw - REVIEWED

About the songs:
This album includes 30 word-for-word Scripture memory songs (NIV) plus 9 bonus Christian-themed kids songs! These songs were all developed for use in a Vacation Bible School curriculum for Faith Covenant Church in Westerville, OH. Each of the mini-albums is for a different year with a different themed play. There are five Scripture songs per year, one for each day of VBS, plus bonus theme songs and roll calls for the classes. The Scripture songs are all word for word from either the 1984 or the 2011 New International Version (NIV) of the Bible and include the references. They have since been used by Sunday schools, Christian schools, other VBS programs, homeschoolers, and families, and we hope they are a blessing to you too!

My Thoughts:
What’s not to like?!  This is God’s Word placed to music!!  Jennifer Shaw has a beautiful voice, and she can work in a variety of styles easily and with much heart!  There are smooth grooves, do-wop, jazz, reggae….a total mix of sounds!  The scripture verses are groups in general categories, and apparently served as VBS themes at some time in the past.  Each group of scriptures songs has a sort of bridge that states the overall truth being presented in each verse.

I’ve always been able to retain songs easily, and to put Scripture to great tunes totally works for my brain!  A lot of kids have this same memory learning skill, so I think it’s brilliant to put God’s Word to music!  Jennifer Shaw has even figured out a way to place the reference at the end of each verse!  There are also times when she repeats key phrases that states the foundational truth in the verse several times.

I love Jennifer’s  voice, (I reviewed her first release) and I am pleased to know God is continuing to use her to spread the truth of His gospel to children and adults so effectively!  I would highly recommend this CD to anyone who leads children’s ministry!  A treasure!!

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