Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Alabaster by Chris Aslan - REVEIWED

About the Book:
Maryam is stuck in an abusive marriage, living with her in-laws in a conservative, toxically religious village. A few years back, her father was given a jar of priceless perfume by a dying leper and it seemed as if their fortunes would improve, but then Maryam's father contracted leprosy and was exiled from the village. Maryam and her siblings, Eleazar and Marta, experience the shame and ostracism this brings. The precious jar that was meant to bring them freedom has only brought destruction. But rumors abound concerning a new doctor; perhaps hope is on the horizon...

Alabaster brings a first-century Middle Eastern village and its culture to life for modern-day readers.

My Thoughts:
Everything smells of him.”  (p. 200)

I can’t remember reading a more powerful account of a biblical story than Chris Aslan’s Alabaster! This short novel brings the account of the early Christ followers into vivid context among the ancient culture of the Middle East.  Marta and Miriam (Mary and Martha) are the central characters, but they must live among the restraints of the culture, and often that equated to brutal mistreatment.  Aslan brings the sight, sounds and smells of this ancient culture to life in a way that impacts your heart profoundly!

There were times I wept with Miriam and Marta.  When the Teacher enters their world and the transformation of their hearts begin to take place, you will understand why the fragrance of the Teacher begins to permeate the pages of this story!  This is a novel to be experienced.  Savored.  Let it cause you to seek the fragrance of the Teacher in the pages of His Word!

I hope this is the first of many biblical novels from Chris Aslan’s pen!

About the Author:
Chris Aslan was born in Turkey and grew up in Beirut and wrote A Carpet Ride to Khiva: Seven Years on the Silk Road--part memoir, part travelogue about life in Uzbekistan. He is currently lecturing on textiles, tour-guiding around Central Asia, and studying in Oxford for Anglican ordination.

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