The Shack – after all the conflict over your first novel, is
it easier or more difficult to continue writing? I had absolutely no expectations about future
projects. I’m at a point in my life
where I am content to stay within the grace of one day. I don’t even know if I’ll be alive
tomorrow. Why would I create
imaginations that don’t exist and live a life of fear. I’m done trying to live up to expectations.
What was your reaction to all of the conflict that
surrounded your first novel? What was the practical application in your life? Any art form, songs, painting, fiction, is not about someone getting out of your work
what you put into it The beauty of creativity is the part that the Holy Spirit
is all over. You write out of your history
and your experience, and others will see things that they think you put there
for them. When others get upset about
something I’ve written, they’re not telling me about me, they’re telling me
about them. The controversy is people
telling me about themselves. They’re bringing to the table what they’ve got. It
a beautiful part of the conversation.
Relationship is always uncomfortable. The journey in not about trying to please God
but about learning to trust God. The
world takes us to some very dark places. God doesn’t take us there, He comes
with us. He promises: I’m never going to leave you nor forsake you. If trust is the central issue you cannot
trust someone who doesn’t love you all the time. I’m still going to stay with you in the
middle of things when your lack of trust is going to be revealed so we can heal
that place.
Crossroads…coming out soon…it will surprise you like the
Shack. This catches a man between life and death. The main character has to
deal with the roads he’s crossed already and roads he has yet to cross. This guy is lost and comes to a major
crossroads. This place of decision spins him in to a place of consideration of
decisions he has already made and choices he has yet to make.
Was this story born out of the Shack phenomena…or was it a
story already within you? It was an idea
that came to me in the last couple of years.
There is a timing for all of this.
The beginning of this year, was right for this story. I had a
general sense of the story and just trust
that the river of story will be there.
It went in unexpected directions, unexpected depths. When a river runs into a dry space, it finds
all of the crevices, and some are very deep. I am absolutely thrilled that
Crossroads is the next book…the right next book.
Kruger is a storytelling, brilliant theologian.
He couldn’t believe this story existed.
He gets the message in the story. It’s like a tributary off the river of
the Shack, and it’s been dry ground with deep crevices, and he explores those
places theologically and takes you there on boats of story. I think his is an important book.
I’m still learning all the time, new things about God and
His love. To the degree that you are not
all-knowing there is to the degree that there is change and process and growth. Part of our theological stumbling block is
born out of an idea of God the Father as someone we don’t want to spend
eternity with. We have such a limited
view of God’s love that we think that when we leave this earth the
relationships here, we lose all that really matters – that when we leave here,
we will leave color and walk into shades of gray or shades of brown. In this world we are surrounded by death all
the time. It’s in our words, it’s in the way we relate to each other, and it
makes us afraid of the love of the Father.
To live in the grace of the day we have is the life of a
child. As soon as you begin to project
your fears into the future, and drag those back into the present and live life
planning on ways to control those fears and those imagined situations – you
become an adult. Your choice is to trust the Father and live inside the grace
of today which means trust or to control which is based in fear. Fear and love are opposites. To the degree that
there is fear in your life is the degree to which you don’t know that you are
loved. The one who fears is not
perfected in love. Perfect love casts out fear.
In the presence of God there is fullness of joy. To the degree that there is not joy in your
life, regardless of how difficult your situations are – and they can be
horrendous – you can still experience joy because happiness is linked to
circumstance and joy is linked to a person – Jesus. To the degree that you don’t have joy in your
life means that you are involved in fear, and dragging tomorrow’s fears into
the grace of today. You are not staying
in the grace of one day. We waste a huge
amount of energy on that.
It’s a process. In
the kindness of God, He lives with us in the middle of our circumstances that
will bring to the surface all of the ways we are not free. There are incremental changes toward freedom
just as there can be incremental changes toward destruction.
What is the take away value that you have taken away from
the Crossroads? I have the time to
explore areas of faith and life that I didn’t have time to explore when I was
writing the Shack. It’s the beauty of authenticity that we are all driven toward,
it is the magnificence of the human soul that we are so blind to, and it’s the
unexplainable goodness of God that permeates everything – those are my take
aways. Anything I ever write – those
will be my take aways – it’s the same thing differently nuanced. Everything in this world is coercive and
violent – pushing us toward the future.
My desire is to not live that way.
I want to live inside the grace of one day. I’m not interested any more…I’m old enough
and broken enough…that I’m not interested anymore in getting God to follow me.
I want to be involved in things He is blessing
- not asking Him to bless things that I’m doing.
The Shack added nothing to me in terms of identity and
significance because I already had everything that mattered to me. If I went back to working three jobs, I would
be totally fine, because I already have everything that matters to me and I had
it before I wrote the Shack.
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