About the Book: (from Avon Inspire)
In the midst of a murder investigation in the heart of Amish country, one young policeman finds his heart led astray.
The serenity of the quiet Amish community of Marion, Kentucky, is disrupted when the body of Perry Borntrager is discovered in an abandoned well. Now the small town faces the first death by mysterious circumstances in more than twenty years, and Detective Luke Reynolds is brought in to help investigate. But before he can solve the crime, he faces unexpected feelings for Frannie, the Amish owner of the local bed-and-breakfast. Though they butt heads at first, Luke finds himself drawn to Frannie's bedside when she's injured in a kitchen accident.
Soon it becomes clear that Frannie knew Perry better than she let on . . . they'd been secretly courting when he disappeared.
Has Luke fallen for the very woman responsible for the crime?
My Thoughts:
"That's the thing about searching, Luke. Sometimes you don't like what you find. But you still have to deal with it." (p.235)
At the point Luke Reynolds hear's these words, I'm pretty sure he knows what he's looking for, but he's a bit skittish about pursuing it. Like many of us, Luke if afraid to pursue his heart's dream, because he can only see impossiblities rather than solutions. He is so busy tracking down a murder suspect that he almost misses the opportunity of a life time.
Frannie is also caught amid many uncertainties and failures. The man she was courting has been brutally murdered, and she feels a keen sense of loss and also a sense of failure because her love was not strong enough to deter him from his dark path of addiction. As Frannie attempts to return to her life managing a bed and breakfast, she has a guest that appears to be in the midst of the very storm she is trying to escape. Will she ever find peace and happiness?
Shelly Shepard Gray has hit a homerun with this series folks! She weaves a compelling mystery among threads of romance and leave many unanswered questions and endless possiblilities as you turn the last page! That is a very satisfying way to lead to the next saga in the series, is it not? I found this book to be very pleasantly distracting and enjoyed trying to solve this mystery! Although I didn't read the first book in the series, you can bet I'll track it down and be watching for the next book in the series (Found is releasing in September!)! I am happy to recommend this series to you!
About the Author:
Shelley Shepard Gray lives in southern Ohio and writes full time. A busy wife and mother of two, she spends her days writing and keeping track of her two teenagers. Her two dogs keep her company when she writes in her basement.
Shelley enjoys writing about the Amish and visits Amish communities in Adams and Holmes counties several times a year. When not spending time with her family or writing, she serves on several committees in her church.
She also bakes a lot, loves coconut cream pie, and will hardly ever pull weeds, mow the yard, or drive in the snow.
Shelley also spends a lot of time on line! Please visit her website, www.shelleyshepardgray.com to find out her latest news...or become her friend on FaceBook.
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