“I have never been easy on anyone, especially those I love the most.” (p. 435)
Marta Schneider is indeed a very difficult woman. Her harshness was born out of the sheer will to survive the brutal treatment of her father. Marta developed a rather iron-clad will at a very early age, and with her sheer determination fueled by her incredible work ethic, she soon broke free from her torment. Or did she?
Marta had the great, selfless love of her mother to buoy her above the abusiveness of her father. Her mother’s love shaped her in precious ways during her early years. However, difficulty followed difficulty and hammered against Marta’s heart until all that was left bore little resemblance to the tender love shown to her as a child. Thus when the next generation is born to Marta, giving and receiving love proves to be one of life’s most daunting challenges…at least where it concerns her daughter, Hildemara.
Francine Rivers sets an incredible standard in both her writing talent and her ability to take a realistic look at God’s grace and mercy working throughout generations of a family. Her Mother’s Hope tells the story of at least three generations of women that will simultaneously break your heart and challenge you to examine your own faith, especially as a parent. As much as I cheered Marta’s courage to escape early in the story, I wanted to shake her senseless as she began to show such grave differences among the treatment of her own children. Truly, Hildemara brought out the best and worst of her mother, and the relationship between she and Marta was as tempestuous as a stormy sea.
This story was emotionally difficult to read, and yet I learned a great deal from the characters. I pray that I am the kind of parent that offers hope and wings to my children and that I am never guilty of trying to mold them into anything except what God wants them to be. By the time I reached the end of this novel, I was very, very thankful to know that I won’t have to wait long to find out what happens in the lives of these women. Her Mother’s Hope is loosely based upon Francine Rivers’ own family, and indications are that things might not end very smoothly.
No matter how this saga ends, Francine Rivers has brought another beautiful gift of story to her readers. The prose is vivid and draws the reader fully into the lives of this family. By the time I reached the end, my heart ached for Marta and Hildemara, and I longed to know that the Lord would allow them to realize how beautiful a mother-daughter relationship was meant to be. Her Daughter’s Dream will release in the Fall of this year, and I will finally discover the great things God has planned for this family.
In the meanwhile, I encourage everyone to enjoy Francine Rivers’ latest novel, Her Mother’s Hope. It is most excellent!!
Go HERE to read the first chapter!
Go HERE to see the video trailer!
To learn more about Her Mother's Hope, visit HERE!
Francine Rivers began her literary career at the University of Nevada, Reno, where she graduated with a bachelor of arts degree in English and journalism. From 1976 to 1985, she had a successful writing career in the general market, and her books were highly acclaimed by readers and reviewers. Although raised in a religious home, Francine did not truly encounter Christ until later in life, when she was already a wife, a mother of three, and an established romance novelist.Shortly after becoming a born-again Christian in 1986, Francine wrote Redeeming Love as her statement of faith. First published by Bantam Books and then rereleased by Multnomah Publishers in the mid-1990s, this retelling of the biblical story of Gomer and Hosea, set during the time of the California Gold Rush, is now considered by many to be a classic work of Christian fiction. Redeeming Love continues to be one of the Christian Booksellers Association's top-selling titles, and it has held a spot on the Christian best-seller list for nearly a decade.
Christian fiction pioneer Francine Rivers talks with Christian Retailing Assistant Editor about her newest book, Her Mother's Hope (Tyndale House Publishers), and the lasting legacy of her collection of best-selling books. |
Since Redeeming Love, Francine has published numerous novels with Christian themes—all best sellers—and she has continued to win both industry acclaim and reader loyalty around the globe. Her Christian novels have been awarded or nominated for numerous honors, including the RITA Award, the Christy Award, the ECPA Gold Medallion, and the Holt Medallion in Honor of Outstanding Literary Talent. In 1997, after winning her third RITA Award for inspirational fiction, Francine was inducted into the Romance Writers of America's Hall of Fame. Francine's novels have been translated into over 20 different languages, and she enjoys best-seller status in many foreign countries, including Germany, the Netherlands, and South Africa.
Francine and her husband, Rick, live in northern California and enjoy time spent with their three grown children and taking every opportunity to spoil their grandchildren. Francine uses her writing to draw closer to the Lord, and she desires that through her work she might worship and praise Jesus for all He has done and is doing in her life.
1 comment:
Sounds like a marvelous book.
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