Porn shreds the Happily Ever After page from the story of marriage. Then, it goes back to the beginning to tear out page after page on the way. When it’s trashed all of the marriage it can, it perforates the heart and with the gentleness of a murderer … porn rips out love.
That's the story of Jessie and Ally Graham, a married couple struggling to cope after porn rips their marriage to pieces. They are not perfect, but they are real.
As you follow the story of Jessie and Ally you will also read the story of Taylor Adams, a young girl who naively falls into the porn industry and discovers how harmful it can be.
Throughout the pages of Exposed you will see the aching truths hidden behind the porn industry’s mask. Taylor's story is not reality for every porn star, but it is for many. I have chosen to omit language and details to protect the minds of my readers, but the porn industry can be much, much worse than it is portrayed in these pages. Also, the wife’s story may seem melodramatic to some, but it is loosely based off of my story and the story of many women who write to me. No story is the same and some may be better or worse than the lives I’ve chosen to show in these pages, but for many of us … these stories are painfully real.
My Thoughts:
Exposed is not an easy story to read. Primarily, because the story is so brutally honest. The reader follows a young woman in the shadow of her husband’s porn addiction, and the story of a young lady enslaved in the porn industry. Two very different viewpoints, one very serious bondage, and one very merciful Savior. Exposed takes the reader behind the scenes of the porn industry and into the hearts of the people whose lives it so viciously damages. This is a story based on the author’s own experiences, and it is a story you will never forget.
Reader, the problems in this book are not fictional. They exist in the lives of people you know. God is using Ashley and her husband in a powerful way to expose the lies of Satan that enslave so many hearts and minds. Don’t miss this book! Don’t miss any opportunity to bask in the love, mercy and grace of our Heavenly Father. He is bigger than all of our messes, and He alone can redeem what Satan means to destroy us.
A powerful story, with a powerful message! Not a feel-good read by any stretch of the imagination, but a very timely and urgent topic that Christians do not need to hide from!!
About the Author: (from the author)
Some facts about Ashley:
She loves reading, writing, and anything that has to do with stationary or ink.
She's creative, but there's a method behind her creativity.
She'd rather have a messy house and lots of fun memories with her kids.
Jesus is her everything and she asks Him to never stop changing her heart, stripping her pride, and increasing her faith.
Love. Romance. Ashley love's these things and hopes to see every marriage find the life it's always desired.
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