“That God often permits suffering should not be a surprise to you. In this world, we must suffer, lest we feel at home here and forget we are but travelers to our true home. To easily do we forsake the mansion that awaits us, for a small inn by the roadside.” (p. 340)
Antibiotic resistant strains of various illnesses already plague our globe. Even now, the headlines are trumpeting safety measures for a virulent flu strain that has already proven deadly. Our nation is at war in an area of the world where bioterrorism is rumored to exist and could soon be released upon defenseless masses. Why does God allow such illnesses to exist? Is it possible that a world-wide pandemic of a deadly virus could eliminate most of the world’s population? Paul McCusker and Walt Larimore, M.D. had teamed up to explore all of these ideas and more in their new release, TSI: The Gabon Virus. Folks, grab a deep breath of air, and hang on for the ride!! This is an unforgettable medical thriller that will grab you by the throat and never let go!
Pharmaceutical companies always get blamed for being greedy. Imagine one such company purposely engineering a deadly virus for the sole purpose of coming to the rescue with a cure and living richly off the profit margins! Imagine a horrific virus falling into the wrong hands and a deadly outbreak of this illness eliminating thousands of people in mere hours. Imagine a survivor running for his life…leaving a trail of death and destruction in his wake. This is only the tip of a very deadly iceberg in the TSI storyline! Folks, I’ve never read a story as intriguing as this one!!
AND…what if there was a team designated to researching similar pandemics in history to help discover a cure…a group of medical archeologists if you will. That’s where TSI comes in – Time Scene Investigators. How brilliant is that? So you have this frantic race against time battling the deadliest pandemic known to man interspersed with snippets of a similar destructive force unleashed some three centuries prior. The connections made by TSI are not only medical, but the spiritual and emotional elements surrounding the search are rich and believable and will move you deeply.
I can’t say enough about this book! The characters are well developed and their plight is both desperate and hopeful. The interlocking plot lines are blended seamlessly, and you will literally find yourself holding your breath as you read frantically…as desperate for answers as the characters in the story! TSI: The Gabon Virus has been one of my favorite reads all year so far! And joyful, joyful news…there is more to come!! There will be another release by this fantastic duo next year!
You want to be thrilled? Scared? Entertained? Encouraged? Spiritually challenged to explore your heart? TSI: The Gabon Virus has it all! Wonderful, frantic reading awaits you here!!
Please visit the publisher's website to learn more about this exciting book!
OK, Kim; I'm going to have to check this book out. You have convinced me. Wow!! Sounds good!! One good thrill ride I must try out. Thanks for sharing!!
Finding Hope Through Fiction
Great review! I loved it too. Come check out my review.
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