About the Book:
The man they called Barabbas has come a long way from the wretched prisoner released by Pontius Pilate in lieu of Jesus of Nazareth. He and his wife Chanah are growing in regard among the leadership of Christ's fledgling church, which is expanding and thriving.
But increasing Christian influence breeds jealousy among several Roman governors and senators. How will Emperor Nero react? Can the apostle Paul soothe the moody young ruler and help the valiant Roman saints continue to spread the Word?
The Parthian Empire also poses threats, including in Eastern Africa, where the former centurion Cornelius has become a prominent Christian leader. Will the Christians need to flee, or must they fight both the Romans and the Parthians?
My Thoughts: (I'm a tad late posting this, but this is a fabulous book!)
"We must keep striving to do our best - our very best - to learn, understand and apply the Savior's teachings, trusting that he will make up for what we lack, often in miraculous ways we could never have predicted." (p. 243)
I reviewed the first book in this series and never imagined that the character of Barabbas could be such a rich window through which to watch the early church develop. The Bible doesn't really tell us much about the man whose life was spared when Jesus was crucified, but M. D. House builds an entire story around what he could have contributed to the early church.
I never really considered the means that would be necessary to accomplish things like the building of early temples of worship, the calling of leaders for early churches facing persecution, the price those called to ministry had to face as they traveled great distances....so many details I never really thought about. M.D. House not only thought about them, but skillfully weaves a plausible story around Biblical characters who served in the beginning of the spread of the gospel.
Paul is one of several apostles that appear in the course of the story, and he becomes a relatable character that God uses to direct the lives of others considering the next steps of their spiritual journey. Barabbas and his family feel unworthy to serve alongside him, but grow to be powerful leaders in their own right as they faithfully serve those they are called to serve.
This is a wonderful sequel that gives the reader an intriguing world to immerse themselves in, but also find scenes that will convict your heart to listen to God's call in your own life. I look forward to reading more from this author!
About the Author:
M.D. House enjoyed a successful first career in the mysterious world of Corporate Finance, but creating and telling stories (and NOT about Finance) was his true love. His first full-length novel was a sci-fi work called "Patriot Star." His second was historical fiction about the life of Barabbas, titled "I Was Called Barabbas." Sequels to both are coming soon.