About the Book: (from Revell publishing)
He promised her his heart. She promised him a son. But how long must they wait?
When Abram finally requests the hand of his beautiful half sister Sarai, she asks one thing--that he promise never to take another wife as long as she lives. Even Sarai's father thinks the demand is restrictive and agrees to the union only if she makes a promise in return--to give Abram a son and heir. Certain she can easily do that, Sarai agrees.
But as the years stretch on and Sarai's womb remains empty, she becomes desperate to fulfill her end of the bargain, lest Abram decide that he will not fulfill his. To what lengths will Sarai go in her quest to bear a son? And how long will Abram's patience last?
Combining in-depth research and vivid storytelling, Jill Eileen Smith brings to life the beautiful and inscrutable Sarai in this remarkable story of love, jealousy, and undaunted faith.
My Thoughts:
You know, Jill Eileen Smith is one of the few authors that can take a Bible story – a Bible character – and brings them to life and adds depth and understanding to their humanness. The struggle to trust God’s word, to wait for His purpose to be fulfilled in your life – those are the struggles that Sarai and Abram as they move their family and their possessions to a land which God promised – a land to which they haven’t been and into which they are unknown. It is not unlike our own faith journeys today, actually. When I went back to the Bible and re-read their story, I had to say “ouch!” a couple of times!Jill Eileen Smith’s book is excellent, and if you want to enjoy Sarai and Abram’s journey in a fresh, new way, you need to read her entire Wives of the Patriarchs series! As you read, you will be compelled – or at least I was – to return to your Bible and read God’s word and soak in His power and faithfulness – His holiness – His grace and mercy! Smith fleshes out the social setting that surrounds this time in history and the decisions that the characters face as they attempt to follow God. As it turns out, their impatience, their longing to see God’s promises fulfilled clash in much the same way it does in our lives today. Truly, there is nothing new under the sun! You will definitely have a new appreciation for God’s long-suffering toward us!
I encourage everyone to check out Sarai. It’s a great addition to a great series!!
About the Author:
Jill Eileen Smith is the author of the bestselling Michal, Abigail, and Bathsheba, all part of The Wives of King David series. She has more than twenty years of writing experience, and her writing has garnered acclaim in several contests. Her research into the lives of biblical women has taken her from the Bible to Israel, and she particularly enjoys learning how women lived in Old Testament times. Jill lives with her family in southeast
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