Don't Give Up! is a book for men searching for answers to their marital challenges. It's apractical guide to surviving and growing through a marriage crisis. Inspired by the experiences of men in marital crises, Don't Give Up! is not another book written by a psychologist or professional marriage counselor. It draws on the first-hand experiences of men who have been to the edge and survived.
Everywhere in America-from the historic hallways of Washington, D.C., to corporate offices on Wall Street, to households in Small Town, Oregon-there are men struggling to figure out what's gone wrong in their marriages. What happened to that glowing bride who could hardly wait to start calling herself Mrs. Him? These men are discovering that marriage does not just happen, but that it must be worked at, hard, every day. There is no autopilot setting. They are more than a little stunned to find out there is much to learn about women, themselves, and how to identify their purpose in life. They are irritated, frustrated, angry, and generally unfulfilled in life. Unlike the vast majority of marriage books, Don't Give Up! gives them permission to feel the pain and frustration in every day life, with a plan for setting actions into motion that will help them grow in their relationships -in their marriages and in all areas of life.
Don't Give Up! starts by helping the reader analyze the current state of his marriage and then teaches him to sit down, listen, andhear his wife, even if he doesn't agree with her. Until he honestly hears the problem from her point of view, he can't move forward. At the same time he is striving to understand his wife better, the book encourages the reader to begin taking baby steps of personal growth in his life. "Begin today," the book challenges him. "Work through your anger, frustrations, and resentments, and discover a healthier, more balanced godly life."
My Thoughts:
Don’t Give Up! is a timely book by Gary Hoffman. If you, or someone you know, is facing marital crisis, please read or share a copy of this book today!! Hoffman takes an honest look at marriage and the problems that often arise, and then gives sound scriptural guidance how to approach and find workable solutions to the problem. Hoffman does not speak as an observer, but as a man who has lived through and successfully survived his own marital crisis.
Satan is determined to destroy today’s families, and he will stop at nothing in order to succeed. Rather than bow down beneath the weight of the trials, Hoffman encourages folks to get close to God, draw wisdom from His word and strength for the day. He believed that Christians can, with God’s help, survive marital crisis and come out stronger on the other side.
This is an awesome book, and one that I highly recommend!
About the book:
Don't Give Up! Unexpected Answers to Marital Challenges, by Gary Hoffman
ISBN: 978-0984542109
Publisher: CreateSpace.com
Date of publish: December 2010
Pages: 150
S.R.P.: $12.98
About the author:
Gary Hoffman is a marital crisis survivor and leader of the Men On The Edge Ministry at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California. Out of the ashes of his own marital struggle in 1994, he discovered his life purpose-to educate and mentor men across the nation who are struggling to understand their role as husbands. For nearly 20 years he has been leading men's groups of various kinds. Additionally, Hoffman authored Sixteen Basic Principles for a Separated Man in Marital Crisis, and is publishing Leadership Secrets to Success for Small Group Leadership-ninety-five suggestions on how to lead, guide, and grow a ministry team or small group in a healthy manner, available in the spring of 2011. Gary Hoffman currently speaks at retreats and mentors men in a weekly support group format at Saddleback Church using material contained in Don't Give Up!
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