Oh, dear readers, I did it!! I did it!! I read every single word of Donita K.Paul’s latest fantasy, The Vanishing Sculptor, and I LOVED it!! If you want to be enchanted, delighted, entertained and generally swept away into another time and place, then you need to pick up this book and start reading! You will not be disappointed!
The young emerlindian woman, Tipper, daughter to displaced royalty, finds herself in the very difficult position of managing the upkeep of her parent’s estate. Her father has been absent for some time, and her mother is not of sound mind. When her father finally returns – a delightfully astonishing feat! – she finds herself in even more unfamiliar circumstances. She must go on a quest to retrieve three particular art objects - created by her father – and reassemble them so that time and its related gateways can be put right and the world restored to order before it becomes totally engulfed in chaos!
Oh, you will love Donita Paul’s characters! There is a wizard and his librarian who kept me in stitches a lot of the time. I loved their linguistic challenges, their sense of humor, and those creatures that keep falling out of the…oops! I don’t want to spoil that! And then there is Sir Beccaroon….his cracks me up! So haughty, so wise, so loving, so stand-offish. His opinions of the others in his band of questors is hysterical!! Oh, and let’s not forget the artist and the prince…the major dragons and minor dragons…so much to enjoy! There is danger, there is evil, and there is the ever present faith in Wulder – found only among those who have come from Amara.
This sort of reminded me loosely of Lord of the Rings in regard to the quest itself – quite the exciting adventure! - and the ending…well, you’ve a hard heart indeed if it doesn’t bring a tear to your eye! Oh, I now understand those who love fantasy – at least Donita Paul’s version of fantasy – so much better! I feel like I’ve learned, grown and expanded my reading horizons!
I am very, very pleased to recommend this book to you, dear readers! The Vanishing Sculptor - share it with your kids – share it with anyone who needs to escape the hum drum of everyday life…just share it! It’s wonderful fun!
Donita K. Paul is a retired teacher and author of numerous novellas, short stories, and eight novels, including the best-selling DragonKeeper Chronicles, a series which has sold more than a quarter million books to date. The winner of multiple awards, she lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado, where she spends time mentoring and encouraging young writers. Visit her online at donitakpaul.com.
Please enter me...the kids will LOVE this book!
My goodness, you did my heart good today. Thank you for your enthusiasm. I would encourage people to start with The Dragon Keeper Chronicles. DragonSpell being the first of tat series. Some people pick up the peculiarities of a fantasy world quickly and some need a more sedate introduction to things like medicinal bugs and clothing that obscures the hero from the villain. Thanks gain!
I would really like a chance to win, too! It sounds very fun and exciting! Thanks so much!
i totally want to read a donita paul book!
please enter me!
I would love to win Donita's book. I'd like to try her style of writing. Please enter me. Thanks. desertroserose5173 at gmail dot com
This sounds so good! I would love to pass it on to my grandchildren after I've read it! Thank you for the giveway!
Carol M
mittens0831 AT aol.com
This would make a great gift for my daughter heading off to college.
Congratulations Renee!! Please be looking for my email.
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