Belle who seems to find her way into my novels. My resume will tell you I graduated from SUNY Plattsburgh with a degree in Communications, and after graduation I worked as a radio and television reporter, freelance writer, editor and marketing professional.
I'm a member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) and am assistant director of Words For The Journey, Rocky Mountain Region.
But what's most important to know about me is that I am a follower of Jesus, wife, mother, friend, reader and writer.
Life’s a journey, enjoy the adventures!

If you would like to read the first chapter of Out Of Her Hands, go HERE
“I remember my sweet babies. They always seemed to be on my lap or at my feet, but now they’re always on my heart.” (p. 66)
Linda Revere is a fictional character that is not unlike people in my own world. She is a busy mom, loving wife, active church member and full-time employee. Every moment of her life is filled to overflowing with the events of everyday living that all women can relate to and many that we have experienced for ourselves. In short, Out of Her Hands is an honest look at the heart and soul of a woman who just wants her family to be safe, happy and loved.
In Megan DiMaria’s sequel to Searching For Spice, Linda Revere has reached the point in her parenting journey that requires to her accept the fact that her children are making their own choices – choices which she can’t always agree with. Her son Nick has become involved in a relationship far different that she has prayed he would enjoy as an adult, and her daughter Emma is about to leave for college and begin her own life apart from her parents. Linda’s heart and mind are torn in many directions, and some of them are not only uncomfortable, but downright painful. On top of all the emotional topsy-turvy in her own home, her father-in-law has rediscovered romance and is adding yet another layer of change to the family dynamic. Hey! This is real life!
The entire time I was reading this novel I kept shaking my head in wonder because I truly recognized so many of these life scenes from my own memory! Early in the story Linda has a thought that really resonated with my heart, “I hope that each day I continue my journey with the Lord, I become a better person. But in reality, it’s more like each day I see how shallow I really am.” (p. 27) It is just a plain, honest statement of my own life sometimes, because I just want to cruise along on Christian neutral and God has to remind me that He is in control and that I must lean on Him and deal with my own shortcomings before I go making up my mind about those around me.
The scenario in Out of Her Hands has actually played out in eerie similarity to a situation with my older brother. I just couldn’t get over the way God spoke to my heart throughout the entire story! Things in life may be out of my hands, but they are ALWAYS in HIS!! I know you will love the
"No sophomore slump for DiMaria! This novel (Out of Her Hands) is as engaging and meaningful as her first, Searching for Spice. Her realistic portrayal of the characters' lives should endear them to readers and help Christians to feel less alone in their daily trials."
~Romantic Times Magazine, 4 ½ stars TOP PICK!
“Life in Linda's world is messy...but filled with love, laughter, struggle and faith. Megan has created a most real heroine for us to love...and I adore her!”
~Deena Peterson, reviewer: A Peek at my Bookshelf
“Megan DiMaria crafts a novel so compelling, so real, you forget you're reading fiction.”
~Darcie Gudger, reviewer: TitleTrakk
"This is a great read for a quiet afternoon or in those times when you feel your own life spinning out of control and need the reality check of knowing you're not in it alone."
~Amazon reviewer
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