I came to this book with some preconceived ideas, and quite frankly I was prepared to be offended by bad theology and troubled by a disturbing story. Lord, forgive me. What I found written upon the pages of this book was truth so beautiful – so powerful – so real that I am left somewhat breathless with wonder.
In truth, it was the author’s own testimony at the back of the book that put The Shack into complete perspective for me. His own year of jubilee experience after the raw ugliness of life, for him, turned into a very unexpected book publication. Isn’t that just like God? Turning our sorrows into something good to be used for His glory alone? He is every bit the creative, spontaneous, loving Papa portrayed in the pages of this story. Bottom line, if we belong to God through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, we all have our own “Shack” story.
I’m going to go further and share with you how God personally prepared my heart to receive this book. I have been volunteering at a women’s rehab facility for over a year now. Last month, as a favor to the director, I lived with the women for a week so she could go on a mission’s trip. I can testify that life is and can be so ugly you cannot bear it.
But just last week a group from another church came to our facility on a mission’s trip of their own. One lady testified that she had been sexually abused by a family member from the age of 6 until her late teens. She went into a bad relationship and wound up the single mother of two girls. At the age of 4 her oldest daughter was diagnosed with brain cancer. She spent most of a year in isolation with her daughter as treatment was given. Friends and family abandoned her. How much should one person have to bear???
BUT GOD showed up with a nurse who shared the Bible with this woman. She emerged from that hospital with a new heart and a cancer-free daughter! God IS everything to us! HE IS the GREAT I AM! He does love us with mercy and grace we cannot fathom! He gives us the strength to walk through life at its ugliest and emerge stronger and whole!! My heart was abundantly, tenderly prepared to read this story.
God revealed Himself to William P. Young in a very personal way and allowed him to share his story in fiction – a book entitled The Shack. Don’t miss this incredible story! I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to share this book with you!
P.S. Because there is some controversy surrounding this little book, I would also like to share some thoughts from other blogging buddies who read this before I did. Please read Deena's thoughts here, here and here. Read Kelly's thoughts here. I just want you to understand this is FICTION and not theology. The ONLY way to withstand the evils of this world is through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. ONLY His death and resurrection offer eternal security and salvation. Don't go to fiction for your theology. Immerse yourself in the BIBLE alone.

Thank you for such a thorough review.
And TAG...You're IT!
I have to say that "The Shack" by William P. Young was a very thought provoking read.
After reading the book, I was left pondering several things about it – which is a true testament to the book's worth. I had several questions on the validity of some of the descriptions of God but I had to humbly admit that there may be no answers this side of heaven for how God presents Himself to each individual.
I posted a more in-depth review of this book on my own blog www.tracysbooknook.com.
When I said a "more in-depth review" I meant more in-depth compared to the short comment I had made.
Sorry if that was unclear.
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