About the Book:
God is at work--and He invites you to join Him
It's easy to get discouraged by the headlines. It can often feel as if God has left the building and we are on our own. This soul-stirring book cuts through the chaos and uncertainty to show you how God is powerfully active and intensely engaged in fulfilling His promise to restore all things. Through inspiring real-life stories of justice, mercy, love, and forgiveness in our communities and neighborhoods, you'll encounter a God who is intimately involved in His creation and using His church to work out the redemption of this world.
My Thoughts:
Restoring All Things is a unique blend between personal stories,
academic research and biblical truth that adds teeth to the fundamental mandate
found in the Bible to go into all the world and spread the gospel. In the 21st century that looks
very practical and personal. Smith and
Stonestreet have put together a book that takes a close look at some of the
main social issues that are impacting the global community – issues that
Christians often perceived as too big for their personal efforts to make an
impact. From urban ministry, to human
trafficking to the gay and lesbian community, this writing duo presents
real-life stories that tell readers that come to the pages of this book that God
is still active in the transformational
redemption that serves as the earmark of the fact that He alone is the
true and living God that sent His son to redeem fallen man.
Smith and Stonestreet begin by
looking at God’s Word as the foundation of truth upon which rests all of
humanity. The Bible is timeless and its
pages record examples of God’s truth that each of us can use to build a
personal, effective ministry platform regardless of our position, financial
ability or any other thing by which we measure our ability to be
effective. In short, if this book doesn’t
inspire you with ideas for personal ministry opportunities, then I’d take an
honest look at your personal relationship with God through Christ Jesus.
This book is packed with
information. Challenges. TRUTH! Share
this with your church family today!
About the Author:

John Stonestreet is a speaker and fellow of the Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview, as well as the co-host with Eric Metaxas ofBreakpoint, the Christian worldview radio program founded by Chuck Colson. John is a sought-after speaker at conferences, colleges, and churches on the subjects of theology, apologetics, and faith and culture. He holds degrees from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and Bryan College and is the coauthor ofMaking Sense of Your World.
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