Please give Bonnie a warm and hearty welcome to my window!
Young adult fiction is a genre in desperate need of lots of action,
adventure and just good reading in general!!
Where and when was the concept of The Stone Braide Chronicles conceived?
The idea for this series came to me about two years
ago while I was looking at the internet. I’m an author with at least a dozen
people in my head jabbering all at the same time, so I’m not sure what image
online triggered the “thread thought” but it just grew from there. I find as I
come up with complementary story threads, it tends to massage the
story...LOL...until it’s grown to what it is today. So literally a story
concept is an ongoing, growing, alive thing...until the series is done.
You create some pretty wild and futuristic medical concepts in
Thunder. Did you have to dive into
research to make these concepts believable to your readers? What did that entail?
Actually those are all REAL
medical concepts. I just stuck a couple “what if’s” in there to bend them to my
maniacal will...Mwhahahaha!
Why did you choose to switch from writing for adults to young
adults? How did the process differ from
your previously published work?
Because young adults are more
willing to read all kinds of situations and fancies whether futuristic or
sci-fi, whether mystery or suspense and they love dystopian worlds and
overcoming them...and they’re not much interested in bonnet books :-)
Young adults see the hope of
overcoming grueling, life-changing landscapes, where adults today...and I mean
mostly women readers...see enough grueling, life-changing landscapes just by
reading the news and they want something sweeter.
Thunder contains some age-old concepts hearkening back to attempts at
control – arranged marriages, medical deception and masking, relationship that
are favored one over another, racial discrimination– and the rebellion that
seems to always answer those attempts at control. Selah feels those results keenly on many
levels. What do you hope readers will
take away from the lessons Selah learns throughout her journey?
That there is always hope. That
there is something better. That we’ve all been created for a purpose and if
we’re receptive that purpose will manifest.
Does the mark of the Landers indicate anything spiritual, or is that my
Well...I could tell ya...but then
I’d have to kill ya *snort-giggle*
Where on earth did you conceive the tornado concept toward the end of
the novel? Why was that group not able
to be redeemed? What is the significance
of that?
Ha, ha...did you ever see the
Helen Hunt movie Twister where they
called the tornado, “the finger of God?” No one said they couldn’t be redeemed.
It depends on what you mean by that. :-) Seriously...I’m not messing with you,
but if I explained their situation it would give away the plot to the second
book... and there’d be no reason for people to buy the second book. It’s
another case of, “If I told you, I’d have to kill you.” Because a secret
between two people is only a secret if one of them is dead. :-)
How does marketing for this series differ from the marketing you’ve
done for your adult novels? This is a
totally different genre!
Marketing is basically the same
with some minor tweaks. We’re also looking for the adult market because just
like with The Hunger Games or Divergent series, plenty of adults read
them too, mostly women though. The tweaks included more YA and teen book and
reader sites and media interactions.
Can your give us a sneak peek into the next book of the series? Where is that novel in the process of
What have you learned about yourself as you've written this
series? How has this series challenged
you as a writer?
LOL..I wrote a chapter last
night. Got done and read it over...B-O-R-I-N-G! Rewriting today, and tonight
(since I had to stop to do this interview before you sent drones to blow up my
house.) The challenges are the fun part of being an author. If we all stayed
where we were when we started then people would get tired of us sooner or later
*snort-giggle* I’d get tired of me sooner or later! But we always need to be
stretching our writer muscles and thought process (and getting more residents
for the funny farm in our heads). So always being on the lookout for a
“what-if” or deviation from what people would expect next is the challenge that
all writers accept...if they are to survive in this ever-changing industry.
What words of encouragement would you like to leave with your readers?
I would say don’t be too
discouraged that I couldn’t give a lot of the direct answers that Kim wanted,
but if I know the drill...I’d have had to kill you all. LOL...she has
a great knack for going for the best of the details and I just can’t give away
those things or you wouldn’t need to read the book, and you’d know all the
secrets and it just wouldn’t be as much fun, or as many head-slaps when you got
to the answers. blessed and keep reading!
You can read my review of Thunder Here!!
Thank you Kim for hosting me and my crazy head on your blog! And thank you for the great book review!
Blessings on your life.
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