Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The You Plan: A Christian Woman's Guide for a Happy, Healthy Life After Divorce - REVIEWED

About the Book:
Live, Laugh, Love Again—Divorce Recovery for Christian Women
You never thought divorce would happen to you. But it did. You may feel traumatized, relieved, hopeful, afraid, or all of the above. What choices will help you heal? How can you minimize the trauma for your kids? When is too soon to date…and what about sex? How can you learn from your mistakes instead of repeating them? And where is God in all of this?
Michelle and Connie have been where you are. They’re Christian women who are a little ahead of you on the journey. Michelle was divorced seven years and now is happily remarried. Connie is ten years into the journey and at peace with being single. They’ve each made good choices and their fair share of mistakes. In this book they rally their collective experience to help you navigate some of the twists and turns of the post-divorce journey, avoid pitfalls, and emerge stronger and more confident.
This is not one of those authoritative, “do as we say” tomes. It’s a woman-to-woman, been-there-done-that, faithful, and hopeful approach to such topics as acceptance, forgiveness, loneliness, online dating (or “CON-line dating”), sex, money, respect, finding friends, and caring for your physical, financial, and spiritual health. Most of all, it’s a powerful reassurance that no matter what has happened or what may happen next, God still has good plans for you. You will live and laugh and love again. This book can help you do it.
My Thoughts:
The Christian journey is not about a walk of performance, a walk without trials or tribulation; it’s about entrusting our lives to Christ no matter what.” 

Divorce affects many Christian lives.  Sometimes the choice is one you make, but more often it is a choice made outside your control or your wishes of keeping your lifetime covenant of marriage.  Either way, the consequences are devastating on many levels, and you are left to make new choices.  The choice to heal and become emotionally, spiritually and physically healthy or the choice to allow bitterness and unforgiveness to choke the joy and life right out of your heart.  Michelle Borquez and Connie Wetzell write from two different perspectives about life after divorce, but they write with the united purpose of encouraging women with information they have learned along their journey and the shared insight of regaining wholeness in Christ and living life to the full in Him.

My 22 year marriage ended a year and a half ago, and I am still reeling from its effects in many ways. But I have done the hard work of healing, working with counselors, friends, church leaders and family, and I can say that the You Plan contains effective, practical advice that many will find helpful in their journey.  I will be honest and say that a lot of it deals with relationships you will build with others after divorce and the healthy approach to those relationships.  For me, that hasn’t even been on the radar of life, and after reading this book, I am glad, because I know just how much healing still needs to take place in my life with God.  I’m thankful there isn’t a schedule to any of this!

I look forward to the day I find out what God’s plans are for my life when I am once again healed and whole.  Right now, I am faithfully raising my sons and seeing them through college. I know I can trust God for every single step of the journey!  In the mean-time, I have really good advice from folks further along this the journey to guide me!  For that, I am very grateful!! This is a candid, honest look at pitfalls and successes of life after divorce.  The good news is, life awaits to be lived to the full in Christ!!
About the Authors:
Michelle Borquez hosted and co-produced I-Life Television’s SHINE with Michelle Borquez on INSP, and is creator, producer and host of a new DVD series for women, Live Again – Wholeness After Divorce. Michelle has authored several books and currently lives in Nashville with her husband and 4 children.

Connie Wetzell, a former popular Christian radio personality and current voice-over recording artist, is the author of The Healing Word of God, a CD audio series that combines original music and scripture created as a “medicine for the soul.”

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