“They were in a place of choiceless pain.” (p. 235)
Irene, Matt and Casey Moore are dealing with an enormous amount of pain not of their own choosing. They move away from it, to a small seaside town called Breakers, and there they encounter many others who are also dealing with enormous pain. There is one thing besides their pain they find in common – someone to blame. Piece by piece the puzzle of lives and circumstances form to build an unshakable truth about the human condition and answer the aching questions brought about by the chaos of choosing to love others as Christ loved us.
I have to be honest and tell you that it hurt my heart to read this story. To witness the unexpected heartbreak of so many lives and their attempt to deal with the pain – wow! It hurt. Yet as I read this story I recognized that I had reacted to pain in much the same way many of the characters had in the story. Rather than trusting God when I couldn’t see how He could bring any possible good out of my pain, I chose to find someone or something to blame. Disaster was always the result of that choice.
Well, the folks in this story create a sort of snowball effect in their blame-laying game. Although unaware of the commonality of their problems and their pain, rather than reach out and help one another, the people of Breaker choose to rail against an easy target and by the time they reach the pinnacle of their emotions…well, the results aren’t pretty.
Yet, for those who come out of this chaos sane – on the other side of it – the truth they find is rich and boundless. Healing can begin at the point where grace and faith meet boundless hope. This is a story about real problems that real people face – and the choice they all have to trust God with their pain and push through.
An amazing story!
Read the first Chapter here!
About the Author:

In all her books she seeks to journey to the heart of human motivation, to uncover unmet needs, and show the path to healing and grace.
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