Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Singularity by Steven James - REVIEWED

About the Book:
Jevin Banks is searching for a killer--and answers to terrifying questions he never even thought to ask.
When his friend is murdered, illusionist Jevin Banks is determined to find out what really happened. Drawn deep into a web of conspiracy and top-secret research on human consciousness, Jevin won't stop digging until the truth is revealed. Soon he uncovers a dark secret that could change the very fabric--and future--of human life on the planet.

Based on frightening scientific realities and bristling with mystery, suspense, and intrigue, Singularityis the riveting sequel to Placebo.

My Thoughts:
But what kind of a creator would ever be bold enough to give his creation free will and the opportunity to kill him off I they chose to?”  (p. 448)

Okay, I’m going to gush….I’m a TOTAL FAN of Steven James’ work…..AGAIN!!  I’ll be honest, Jevin Banks doesn’t hold the appeal that Patrick Bowers had for me, because, well, he’s too rich.  But that aside….Jevin Banks has cast his magician’s influence around me and Singularity is absolutely brilliant!  The story begins with a gruesome murder that no one is willing to investigate.  When Jevin, Xavier, Fiona and Charlene band together to bring justice to their friend’s death they find themselves in a surreal, but all too possible world of nanotechnology and the timeless search for immortality.

King Solomon wrote these words in Ecclesiastes 1:9: “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.”  In the 21st Century man continues to strive to wrest eternal life out of God’s creation.  All the elements of science and the knowledge derived from studying said elements have led to a theory known as “the Singularity.”  I shudder to think at the billions of dollars in research that concept represents…the meshing of human beings and machines….the defeat of disease and death that leads to immortality.  Nothing new….Satan raged against it in the garden when he tempted Eve.  BUT…

Steven James has taken this scientific concept…asked TONS of “what if” questions…and created one of the most intensely human thrillers I’ve read lately!!    The bad guys..oooh…SO CREEPY and just plain evil…and always just out of sight.  The good guys…all of them…are tender hearted, but hide it well.  They have all experienced tragedy and loss in one form or another.  The faith element is real and realistically present, and the overall effect…ABSOLUTE BRILLANCE!!  I will never cease to be amazed at the skill James possesses to weave fact and fiction so seamlessly! It’s just amazing!

So, what are you waiting for!  Start reading Singularity TODAY!  You have such a great thrill ride ahead!!

About the Author:
Critically acclaimed author Steven James has written more than thirty books, including Placeboand the bestselling Bowers Files thriller series. He is a contributing editor to Writer's Digest. Steven lives in Tennessee with his wife and three daughters.

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