I was so very touched by this man's tender heart toward God and his passion to help others be delivered and rescued out of gangs and the human trafficking industry! And yes, it is an industry that has invaded the United States in a very discreet and insidious way.
I hope you will join me as I welcome Bishop to my Window!
“Because of previous
transgressions – whether it’s lying, stealing, selling drugs, sex trafficking –
we don’t always get to choose the next step in our life. Sometimes people with more control and more
power make those decisions. And you have to move forward under their direction
whether you like it or not.” Did you
feel like you had any choice about going undercover? Why or why not?
Choice? No, not
really. When I think about this, I remember Barabas. I ask myself, "When the people chose Barabas, did he ever
realize that someone else paid the price for him?" He thought that he and Jesus experienced the
choice of others, and I can't help but wonder if he ever really knew that Jesus died for him. God always has
See, when I got out of prison, I made contact
with one of my former gang brothers to tell him that I had chosen Jesus and
wouldn’t be returning to the gang. He
told me, “When you get tired of doin’ the Jesus thing, you can always come
When the Feds came to me, they thought I’d moved to this
town to start a rival gang even though I was serving as a youth pastor in a
local church. No, I didn’t have a
choice, but God had a plan.
Both Sides of the Fence takes readers into the life of a biker gang
– a world you compare to both
the church community (closeness, fellowship, family) and corporate business (financial decisions, business deals and leadership hierarchy) Yet it is vastly different than both in that most of what they do is illegal and the money used to live on is illegal. Is that the fundamental reason that people must go undercover to ensure they are brought to justice? Is there any other way to have success bringing these gangs to justice?
the church community (closeness, fellowship, family) and corporate business (financial decisions, business deals and leadership hierarchy) Yet it is vastly different than both in that most of what they do is illegal and the money used to live on is illegal. Is that the fundamental reason that people must go undercover to ensure they are brought to justice? Is there any other way to have success bringing these gangs to justice?
If you aren’t in the gang, you really can’t even get near
them. You have to have an invitation to
even hang out with them. We ride at
night, we ride without colors. Most
violence is gang to gang and isn’t even
investigated. Gang activity happens
below the radar, and most of the time doesn’t even get onto the radar because
cops look the other way. See, I went undercover to uncover bad cops. It turned
out to be so much more.
I discovered human
and drug trafficking goes on in every town in the US. It’s a 32 billion dollar
a year industry. If you don’t realize it’s
happening, you can’t stop it. All walks of life are involved.
God doesn’t weigh sin against sin. That God could use me is
just mercy and grace.
Part of me feels like
the church needs to overcome its fears and minister to these gangs – like we
have somehow failed. But in fact, we are
in the deadliest spiritual warfare ever and even folks who have been raised in
church are leaving in droves. What, in
your opinion, needs to happen for the Church to be able to effectively reach
these gangs? Are jailhouse ministry the
only option? Is that even effective?
I can’t judge other people.
Outreach is important, but it’s not the only thing that is needed. After they are saved the church needs to
welcome and disciple former gang members and human trafficking survivors during their
re-entry into life. I think the church
misses this a lot of the time – at the point of re-entry. We are missing compassion. We can’t just give
them a list of rules to follow and make them feel condemned.
My ministry deals with gang recovery – faith based curriculum
that helps them re-enter life with Jesus. And no matter what is offered to
former gang members, or people rescued from the sex slave trade, if Jesus isn’t
in it, it will fail every time. Jesus
has to be the heart of recovery. You
have to let them hurt and you have to let them heal. Show them Christ.
People in recovery from these types of wounds will forever
bear the scars, but you have to own the scars and not allow your past to own
your life.
“It certainly was a juxtaposed life, living
and acting like a biker while dying daily in Christ.” You were selling drugs, selling booze, and leading a gang while
you were undercover. How on earth did
you cope?
Well, there were times that I could use the excuse that I
was still on parole to get out of some things.
But the hardest part was family.
I had cut ties with everyone while I was in prison. And while I was in prison I asked God to show
me Himself. When I got out of prison, He
revealed Himself to me in a very real way, so when I was asked/told to go
undercover my deal was violence. I had
to keep people in line with violence.
After a while we just kept being told, “If you’ll just do
one more deal…” and when Willie’s accident happened….that was our wake up
call. (me: you’ll have to read the book folks!) At that point we knew our time was undercover
was coming to an end.
Some truths that
really popped for me as I read: “We
have to trust in God and that this is all part of His plan.”
“Peace came because
my God is bigger than any situation or circumstance.”
“God doesn’t put us
in the fire to come through it alone. He
gets in there with us.”
We all pray that God will snatch us out of our
circumstances, but He crawls in there with us.
I can’t walk in someone else’s pain, but I can understand now, and crawl
in there with them and show them Jesus.
The peace I was talking about came just after I’d been told
by the Feds that there was a contract out on my life. I had to hold it together when I returned to
the gang, because we were having a party. I could only do that after God had sent His peace into my heart.
Going undercover is
really no different than working through terminal illness, the death of a loved
one, tragic loss of life in an accident, death of a soldier, the end of a
marriage….in its severity of trial. In light of these trials, how do you view
your work undercover? What did God teach you as you walked through that fire?
I was once told that if God, “…is not talking to you, He’s
talking to somebody else about you.”
That is a true statement. When
things got really tough, other people were praying for us. That is still true today. And my time undercover is in my past. Satan tries to tempt us to live in our past,
but we have to put it behind us and move forward. We must be the arms, hands and feet of
Jesus. We need to get on the ground and
ask God what He wants us to do.
God has called me to minster to these gang members and
assist with rescue and recovery with those members and for people recued out of
the sex slave trade. You can contact the
National Hotline for Human Trafficking 888-225-0498 x103 for victim assistance to find out more.
You can also have me come and speak to your group and teach
people about ways they can become a part of the solution to this growing
problem. I also offer Gang Intervention Consulting.
You can also contact TraffickinginAmericataskforce.org and find out
ways to get involved.
Readers, what I have shared
with you really doesn’t begin to capture the heart of this very transformed
life known as The Bishop. We shared laughter,
tears and blessings as we talked, and my life will forever be touched by his
ministry. The book – Both Sides of the Fence.
And next Spring – the movie!! Don’t
miss this eye-opening experience!!
Awesome interview. I was very touched and inspired by you and Bishop.