Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The Cleansing by Daryl Boyer - REVIEWED

Daryl Boyer – remember that name!  I believe God is going to use his musical talent to touch many lives!  His new project, The Cleansing, is a CD filled with songs that are filled with praise, adoration and a heart’s cry to be fully submitted to becoming all that God has made us to be as His children.

Daryl’s songs range from electrically charged praise, to quiet, instrumental and contemplative songs of intimate worship. I think one of the lines of the title song, The Cleansing, captures the heart of the project with the words; Lay me sow on the altar, of your refining fire, to be the one you’ve called me to be.”

On his website, Daryl takes this message to an even deeper level when he states: Worship goes far deeper that the sons we sing.  Our worship should also be represented by what we do with Christ in  and through our daily lives. Without a clear understanding of Christ’s love, and the full scope of what He accomplished for us at the cross, we will never have a clear understanding of our identity in Christ.

I encourage everyone to get acquainted with Daryl Boyer and his new release The Cleansing!

Stay tuned!  I will be posting and interview with Daryl in the days ahead!

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