Monday, December 21, 2015

More Than Conquerors by William Hendriksen - Review

About the Book:

With an uninterrupted printing history since it was first published in 1939, this treasured interpretation of the book of Revelation has served as a solid resource and source of inspiration for generations. Using sound principles of interpretation, William Hendriksen unfolds the mysteries of the apocalypse gradually, always with the purpose of showing that "we are more than conquerors through Christ." 

Both beginning and advanced students of the Scriptures will find here the inspiration to face a restless and confusing world with a joyful, confident spirit, secure in the knowledge that God reigns and is coming again soon. This straightforward interpretation makes a helpful resource for pastors, teachers, students, and anyone who desires a deeper understanding of the Scriptures.

My Thoughts:
That a book would remain published for  75 years after its first private printing is reason enough to explore its contents.  And, frankly, that is all that I’ve had time to do – explore.  What I’ve found is a book rich in knowledge from a mind that is truly seeking to know God’s will and His way of living.

The book of Revelation is a book that has garnered exploration from the finest minds in scholarly history.  More Than Conquerors uses Bible references over and over again as the basis for any conclusions drawn about the meaning of the contents of this particular book of the Bible.  Hendriksen’s bibliography is lengthy, and it is clear his desire was to be as in pursuit of God’s truth as the author of the book of Revelation – John.

This is a very scholarly work, but it is written so clearly that even a layman will benefit from the knowledge it contains.  This is a must have for any Bible scholar!

About the Author:
William Hendriksen (ThD, Princeton Theological Seminary) was professor of New Testament literature at Calvin Theological Seminary.

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