Wednesday, January 22, 2014

For the Love of Pete by Debby Mayne - REVIEWED

This week, the
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing

About the Book: (from B&H publishing)
Widow Bethany Hanahan is trying in vain to fill an empty heart and an empty nest. The result is a home filled to the brim, but something is still missing. That’s when her new gardening club friends come to the rescue, encouraging her to let go of the past as well as the present clutter –emotional, spiritual, and physical. It’s not long before Bethany is finding friends, not bargains, to fill her days. But has her life become too full for someone like Pete Sprockett, a childhood friend, for whom her romantic feelings are beginning to bloom? Join the quirky, loving community of Bloomfield as they do what they do best – poke their well-meaning noses in and intervene in times of need –in author Debby Mayne’s second novel in what has become a five book series about a community where life is simple and love is real.

My Thoughts:
Naomi’s eyebrows shot up.  “I reckon you just told us.”  (p.305)

Naomi said on page 305 what I’d be longing for a reason to say…and Pete finally delivered!  So the ending of this book is satisfying….finally!

This is the first of the Bloomfield books I’ve had the pleasure to read, and I must say this takes me back to a familiar place in my childhood…a community that kept God at the center but maintained their own brand of quirky! For the Love of Pete takes  a cast of characters and weaves an intimate community.  Family and friends blend seamlessly together and rally around Bethany Hananhan when she returns home to Bloomfield as a widow.  She does what many of us do, and she clings to physical reminders of a happier time in her life – literally.  Her house is so filled with clutter she is a danger to herself when she sits to have a cup of coffee!

But never fear! Naomi and Miss Gertie are on the job! They create the most hair-brained idea to de-clutter Bethany’s life and then fill up the town and her life with a host of new people!  And their ideas work, almost too well! (Hence the comment made by Pete on page 305)

So come, join the community of Bloomfield as they create home and healing for one of their own. And please take the time to get to know Murray!  He is a hoot!!  This is a precious novel that will entertain a broad audience!

About the Author:

Debby Mayne has published more than 25 books and novellas, 400 short stories and articles, and a slew of devotions for women. She has also worked as managing editor of a national health magazine, product information writer for a TV retailer, a creative writing instructor, and a copy editor and proofreader for several book publishers. For the past seven years, she has judged the Writers Digest Annual Competition, Short-Short Contest, and Self-Published Book Competition.

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