Wednesday, June 5, 2013

My Picnic Basket And How God Is Always Near - by Dr. Mary Manz Simon

About the Book: (from Standard Publishing)
This die-cut rhyming book uses everyday foods and toys at a picnic to help young children remember God is always near.
"I will be with you always (Matthew 28:20).
  • The focus on My Picnic Basket is not on one particular holiday or event, rather, it incorporates objects connected to many summer events and celebrations giving it a broad appeal
  • The book uses concrete, everday objects kids know to illustrate how God is always with them
  • My Picnic Basket provides a strong focus on God as the true source of comfort and reassurance
My Thoughts:
And soon the storm is over – the sunshine’s all I see.
 I bow my head and whisper, “Thanks, God, for loving me

I had the privilege of interviewing Dr. Mary Simon last year in Orlando, and I am thrilled to share her latest book with you!  I’m never too old for a great board book, and I believe it’s never too early to begin introducing children to God’s presence in their lives.  So often, we adults fail to see God in all the wonderful details that make up our every-day routine.   My Picnic Basket  reminds us to cherish that awareness of God using all of our senses in every circumstance.  Even a picnic becomes a place of worship – rain clouds and all -  when we stop to recognizes the source of all of our blessings.

This is a precious book!  I love the three dimensional aspect of the book's shape!  Children will love reading about the contents of their picnic basket! This will provide many teachable moments between children and their caregivers!  Thank you Dr. Simon for sharing this beautiful book with me!

About the Author: (from her website)

Dr. Mary Manz Simon combines her training as an early childhood educator, insights as a corporate consultant and children's market analyst, and experiences as a mother and grandmother, to provide a wide range of services and presentations to audiences and companies.
Her platform of practical advice, within a developmental framework, appeals to educators and parents who want real-time solutions. Simon's extensive work with companies and retailers, both in publishing, education and children's entertainment, give her a comprehensive timeline and perspective on emerging issues.
"I'm a hybrid," she explains. "I go beyond trend tracking to identify the implication and application of the shifting mindscape that impacts children, their families and the world in which we live."
With sales of more than 3 million books in English, hundreds of magazine articles and media interviews, Simon is, in the words of her son, Matthew, "a world changer."

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