Thursday, May 17, 2012

Chameleon by Jillian Kent - REVIEWED

This week, the
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
Realms (May 15, 2012)
Jillian Kent


Jillian Kent is a busy writer and the alter ego of Jill Nutter, a full-time counselor.

Jill spent the first semester of her senior year of college at Oxford studying British Literature, where she fell in love with England. During this season, she came to appreciate the written word, the rich imagery of romantic poetry like The Highwayman, and historical novels of many types, including Jane Austen and all things Regency.

Jill received her Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from Bethany College in West Virginia, and her Masters Degree in Social Work from WVU, and she brings her fascination with different cultures and societies into her writing.

Jill has always been a romantic at heart, so readers will find a good dose of romance woven through each of her novels. Jill, her husband Randy, and children Katie and Meghan are animal lovers. They currently own two dogs, Boo-Boo and Bandit and a menagerie of cats, Lucky, Yuma, Snow, and Holden. Critters of all assortments make their appearance in her stories.


How much can you really know about someone?
Lady Victoria Grayson has always considered herself a keen observer of human behavior. After battling a chronic childhood illness that kept her homebound for years, she journeys to London determined to have the adventure of a lifetime.

Jaded by his wartime profession as a spy, Lord Witt understands, more than most, that everyone is not always who they pretend to be. He meets Victoria after the Regent requests an investigation into the activities of her physician brother, Lord Ravensmoore.

Witt and Victoria become increasingly entangled in a plot targeting the lords of Parliament. Victoria is forced to question how well she knows those close to her while challenging Witt’s cynical nature and doubts about God. Together they must confront their pasts in order to solve a mystery that could devastate their future.

“I’m a physician who happens to hold a title. And yes, my life is complicated, but I’m doing what I love and what the good Lord has called me to do.”  P.27  Lord Ravensmoore

Ravensmoore is faithful to obey the Father, and when his sister, Lady Victoria, comes for a visit he is torn between the role of brother, doctor, protector and friend! And Lady Victoria lives up to her childhood nickname in spades!! The adventure and romance she seeks in while visiting her brother morphs into a deadly mystery with so many twists and turns that the reader is swept along in a torrent of events and emotions that will leave them breathless!

I really enjoyed this story!! The Victorian feel of the society, the intricate relationship between faith, friendship and family, the mystery behind the attacks in the book….all of it was so compelling and took me so by surprise at the end! I love it when that happens!! LOVE IT!!

This is my first venture into Killian Kent’s writing, but it is certainly not the last!! BRAVO!!

If you would like to read the first chapter of Chameleon, go HERE.

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