Thursday, July 29, 2010

Whisper on the Wind by Maureen Lang - REVIEWED

“I’ve learned that when we’re in trouble, we should let those troubles carry us higher – close to God Himself, who is never unaware of what we face. The wind – or our trouble – isn’t necessarily our foe if we let it take us closer to God. Somehow, like the little bird whose flight itself brings Him glory, He’ll let us bring Him glory too.” (p. 357)

Oh, dear reader! If you could know what was sacrificed for these words to have meaning - to give hope! If only you knew the desperate circumstances in which these words were offered!! Maureen Lang’s soon to be released novel, Whisper on the Wind, is the story that contains this beautiful truth, and it is couched in a story that you will remember long after you read the final page!

Whisper on the Wind carries the reader to Belgium during the First World War, and introduces us to a lady that is the epitome of patriotism and loyalty – Isa Lassone. The opening scene that introduces Isa to the reader also introduce Edward – the man Isa has loved in secret many years. Both have chosen to risk their life to bring information to the people of Belgium – to fight the Germans who have so brutally ransacked their beloved country.

And thus begins a tale of bravery and intrigue that will keep your eyes glued to the story, page after page. Edward and Isa participate in running an underground newspaper, and they agree together that it is worth any cost. What a cost it turns out to be! All along the way readers are introduced to strong, memorable characters such as Genny and Max who add depth, believability and strong emotion to the entire story!

I don’t suppose anyone ever ponders too much about how God loves folks we perceive to be our enemies. Nor the fact that God’s love covers the sins that are committed during war time no matter which side of the battle one chooses to fight. Recognizing this love and forgiveness makes all the difference in how we live out our faith, and Maureen Lang shares this truth in an unforgettable, and emotionally tense historical novel!

I highly recommend Whisper on the Wind, and I am so very thankful that I had the opportunity to share this story with you! Thank you to Tyndale for my advanced reader copy! The release of this story is scheduled for September 1st.

About the Author:

Maureen Lang has always had a passion for writing. She wrote her first novel longhand around the age of 10, put the pages into a notebook she had covered with soft deerskin (nothing but the best!), then passed it around the neighborhood to rave reviews. It was so much fun she's been writing ever since.

Eventually Maureen became the recipient of a Golden Heart Award from Romance Writers of America, followed by the publication of three secular romance novels. Life took some turns after that, and she gave up writing for 15 years, until the Lord claimed her to write for Him. Soon she won a Noble Theme Award from American Christian Fiction Writers and has since published several novels, including Pieces of Silver (a 2007 Christy Award finalist), Remember Me, The Oak Leaves, On Sparrow Hill, and My Sister Dilly.

Maureen lives in the Midwest with her husband, her two sons, and their much-loved dog, Susie. Visit her Web site at


  1. Thanks for the great review, Kim. I'll definitely add that to my 'looking forward to reading' list. I've started a calendar to alert me of upcoming releases that I don't want to miss. Thanks again. :-)

  2. I enjoy her novels and this one is on my list.
