Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Forget Me Not by Vicki Hinze - REVIEW AND GIVE AWAY!

“Because even though you don’t know who you are, you know whose you are.” (p. 145)

Susan? Karen? Who is this woman that Clyde brings into the Crossroads Crisis Center – beaten so badly that she has no memory of her identity, nor any idea of the events that brought her to this place. What this woman does possess is an unshakable faith and the engraved cross of the crisis center owner’s dead wife. Could things possibly get any worse?

If you’re reading Vicki Hinze’s novel Forget Me Not, the answer is a resounding yes! This story has some really bad guys doing a lot of really bad stuff, and their henchmen are as wicked as double-crossing as they are! So what you wind up with is a very convoluted set of characters who keep you guessing at a frantic pace, and keep you reading even faster! The plot revolves around a group of bioterrorists trying to perpetrate a deadly attack on the U.S. The young woman with the missing memory seems to be one of many loose cannons in the story, and there are multiple people trying to permanently put to rest all that she knows. She is supposed to remember some very dangerous things, but for the moment, all the poor woman can do is try to stay alive until her memory decides to show up!

As the story unfolds, the crisis center owner, Ben, is struggling with his faith after the brutal murder of his wife and son. His story serves as a tragic counterpoint to the young mystery woman’s problems, and they both seem to take comfort in each others' sense of loss and confusion. In very unexpected and unplanned ways, Ben and the woman help one another through some very difficult and uncomfortable situations. What results from this is something more meaningful than either of them could have ever imagined.

Forget Me Not is a great suspenseful read that is truly analogous to many trials faced by all of God’s children. No matter who we are, we all face hurtful, dark times that cause us to question what God is doing in our lives. But Praise God, no matter how dark the trial, no matter what we choose, He never forgets us and loves us still!

I really enjoyed this suspenseful tale, and am happy to recommend it to you! I have an extra copy of Forget Me Not to give away, so please leave a comment and your contact information to be entered for the drawing!


Vicki Hinze is an award-winning author of twenty-three novels, three nonfiction books, and hundreds of articles. Selected for Who’s Who in Americain 2004 as a writer and educator, Hinze is active in Romance Writers of America and serves as a Vice President on the International Thriller Writers Board of Directors. Vicki lives in Florida with her artist husband, a retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel. Visit www.vickihinze.com to learn more about Vicki’s books, blogs, and writing programs.


  1. I love to read but have never read a suspenseful novel! Sounds like fun!! Thanks for the chance!

  2. Mystery, suspense, romance... Forget Me Not sounds like a great book. Please include me in the drawing. Thanks, Kim!

  3. Don't enter me; I have my own giveaway going. But I love your review, and that quote at the top was one of my favorites!

  4. I love Christian suspense. Please enter me.

    ebeandebe at gmail dot com

  5. Ashley and I would love to be entered! :) We need to get her summer reading pile started. :)

  6. Okay, Let's Make A Difference! Let's change your reading habits! Time for some suspense!! Please send along your email so I can get this book to you!
