Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Hidden Flame by Davis Bunn and Janette Oke - REVIEWED

“So that is what we pray for. That God will give you the wisdom and faith to look beyond this moment. To know that whatever lies ahead he has prepared the way.” (P 146)

The Hidden Flame is the story of a young woman who truly wants to do God’s will, but her faith is not yet mature enough to discern the path God has chosen for her. Abigail is one of the early Christians, living amid the early church just after the crucifixion of Christ. Wounded, weary and torn over the struggle she faces as two very different men vie for her attention, Abigail selflessly serves the other believers. When her health is threatened and she becomes the recipient of one of God’s miraculous blessings, Abigail learns firsthand what it means to follow God without reservation. Her devotion is rewarded in ways she could never begin to imagine, and as the early church begins to suffer persecution she learns yet again to place everything into her Savior’s almighty hands.

Oh dear reader, if you want to feel as though you have walked the streets of Jerusalem and been a part of that wondrous time of growth within the early church, then you really must make all haste to read The Hidden Flame! This is the second book in the Acts of Faith series, and reading this story is as if you have stepped into a time portal and been taken back to live within the early church family. I witnessed the death of Ananias and Sapphira. I heard the jealous, fearful ranting of those who felt threatened by this growing group of believers. I listened to the agonizing grief of those separated by the persecution of the early church. Folks, The Hidden Flame is Biblical fiction that creates a realistic and true-to-scripture picture of what it was like to live and serve within the early church. What a powerful reminder of the power, the holiness, the righteousness, the grace and love of our Savior!!

Davis Bunn and Janette Oke are my absolute favorite writing duo, and this book just strengthens my joy and anticipation of more books in this fabulous series! I highly recommend The Hidden Flame to everyone!

Thank you to Bethany House for my review copy!


Davis Bunn is an award-winning novelist whose audience spans reading genres from high drama and action thrillers to heartwarming relationship stories, in both contemporary and historical settings. He and his wife, Isabella, make their home in Florida for some of each year, and spend the rest near Oxford, England, where they each teach and write. Visit Davis' Web site at

Janette Oke (pronounced "oak") pioneered inspirational fiction and is the leading author in the category today. Love Comes Softly, her first novel, has sold over one million copies. Janette is now the bestselling author of over 70 books, 32 of which have been translated into fourteen languages. Her books have sold over 22 million copies.

Janette receives fan mail from all over the world and answers each letter personally. She received the 1992 President's Award from the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association for her significant contribution to Christian fiction, the 1999 CBA Life Impact Award and has been awarded the Gold Medallion Award for fiction. Janette and her husband, Edward, have four grown children and enjoy their many grandchildren. They make their home in Canada.


  1. I enjoyed the first book in this series, and I'm looking forward to reading this one. It's buried somewhere in my TBR stack!

  2. I have read this one. Great read.
