Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Love Finds you in Holiday Florida by Sandra D. Bricker

Holiday, Florida is my second location for the Love Finds You series, and once again I was thoroughly entertained! This time, Sandra Bricker is the author of the tale, and she takes a thoughtful and tender look at a relationship that occurs in the lives of a widow and widower after more than twenty-five years of marriage.

Cassie Constantine and Richard Dillon have both experienced the unexpected loss of their spouses, and now they face very uncertain futures. When Cassie leaves her home in Boston to spend Christmas in Florida preparing her vacation home for sale, she is enthusiastically welcomed by her neighbors. One new neighbor, Richard Dillon, suddenly seems to be taking up more and more of Cassie’s time, and suddenly she discovering new ways of moving into the future that are uniquely her own.

The tentative but certain attraction that begins to build between Cassie and Richard is tenderly established and allows room for a lifetime of memories and family relationships to remain and flourish. The ending leaves the reader poised in a place of eager anticipation rather than tying things into a predictable package, and that leaves me hopeful that we’ll see this crowd again some day! I thought this was a very appropriate ending to a tender romance set amid a time of life when establishing new relationships is not easy to do.

I’m not quite to this pre-retirement stage of life, but my own extended family is the results of my dad losing his first wife in a very unexpected way. Because of my own observations of love and loss in real life, I thought Sandra did an excellent job of creating a believable and honest look into the lives of two people re-discovering some very precious truths about friendship, love and relationship. I recommend Love Finds You in Holiday Florida


Sandra D. Bricker has been publishing in both the Christian and general market for years with novels for women and teens, magazine articles and short stories. With 8 novels in print and 5 more slated for publication through 2010, Sandie has carved out a niche for herself as an author of laugh-out-loud comedy for the inspirational market. Sandie was an entertainment publicist in Hollywood for 15+ years and currently works a "day job" as an editor.

Visit Sandra's website to learn more about her books!


  1. Your site came up on my google alert, and I was really happy to read your review of my book, Love Finds You in Holiday, Florida. I thought you came from a really thoughtful perspective, and I just wanted to thank you so much for visiting Holiday along with me.

  2. This was a sweet book. Loved your review!
