Saturday, March 28, 2009

Aunt Dimity Slays the Dragon by Nancy Atherton

“Knights must sometimes pit themselves against dragons, regardless of the fearful odds.” (p. 185)

Alas fair readers! Finch has been invaded! King Wilfred’s Fair and all of it’s knights, jesters, wenches and knaves have turned this quiet little village into…well, into something that Lori Shepherd feels compelled to investigate! Nancy Atherton’s latest release, Aunt Dimity Slays the Dragon places our beloved Lori in an unusual role this time, and it turns out to be quite intriguing!

Finch is a predictable town, and Lori and Bill and their two twin sons Rob and Will are as cozy a family as you ever hope to find. When the renaissance fair and all of its troops invade their village, they each discover a new role to play, and it turns out to be a very entertaining romp! Dear Lori has sworn to behave herself after tangling up with Vampire’s in last year’s mystery, so she begins this story making every effort to quell her investigative instincts. However, when King Wilfred has what she perceives to be two attempts on his life in one day…well, it becomes quite difficult not to lapse back into her old habits!

Little does she know…and neither will the reader for a while…that there are others within the realm that possess keen investigative skills! You can never imagine who the true knight turns out to be! And everyone learns a poignant lesson in what it means to recognize and live within the realm of their own unique gifts and talents. It is a lesson that provides another exciting and heartwarming tale!

Nancy Atherton has won my heart with her Aunt Dimity series. As Lori and Bill grow ever closer and her children get older and more entertaining, the stories become dearer still! I will eagerly await the next adventure to flow from her pen! Until then, may all your dragons be small ones!

Visit Viking's website to learn more about this fabulous series of books!

1 comment:

  1. I've read the first book in this series and loved it. I'm glad you posted about Aunt Dimity!
