Saturday, January 31, 2009

Throwing an 80th Birthday Party for my dad today!

There aren't many times in your life when you realize how rich you blessed. I got a chance to tell my Daddy what he means to me today. My sister and brothers pitched a big birthday bash for my dad....a complete surprise...and around 200 folks showed up! We sang, shared stories and sang some more. It was a wonderful day! I'm totally exhausted, but very, very happy!

I will now share with you my tribute to my Dad. I am indeed a very, very blessed lady! And I LOVE my Daddy!!

Steadfast and True – that’s you Daddy.
Always there to share my dreams, and encouraging me with your smile.
On the front row of whatever event captured my heart
Making me feel as if there was nothing I couldn’t do.

My childhood memories are of a man bigger than life
Tanned golden bronze by the sun as you worked in the garden and tended the cows.
My childhood daddy could do anything…tell a joke, teach a class, lead a choir,
Or sing a song that made him cry.

My childhood daddy pulled my tooth with strings tied to doorknobs
And doubled over with laughter when I got pinned beneath a calf that I was
Supposed to be holding still in the back of the truck. He rode bicycles with me
And carried me in his arms when I wrecked and hit the pavement.

This man of my childhood encouraged me to work hard, study hard
And live my life loving and serving God by loving and serving those around me.
My daddy has lived the example of faithful friendship, devoted father, loving husband
And of a man who hungered for God’s touch in his life.

This dear man that blessed my life in so many ways gave me away in marriage
When I met a man who shared my dreams and stole my heart.
He drove cross-country to meet my sons when they were born on an Army base
A thousand miles away.

I’ve seen Daddy sit by the bedside of a friend, watched him take tender care of his parents, and share adventures and vacations with my Mom. I’ve seen him grocery shop, fix tractors, mow lawns and put up martin gourds - and all the while he’s planting a garden, faithfully attending church, and loving his family with his whole heart.

Daddy has continued to share my dreams, collect my poems, love my family and encourage me with his smile every single day of my life. Steadfast and True – that’s you Daddy, and I love you with all of my heart.


  1. I'm so glad it was a wonderful day! :)

  2. Such a precious tribute. I'm so glad you still have your Daddy!!
