Monday, December 29, 2008

Only Nuns Change Habits Overnight by Karen Scalf Linamen - GIVE AWAY!

The title is quirky, the author is insightful, and the information contained within the pages of Karen Scalf Linamen’s book, Only Nuns Change Habits Overnight, is thought-provoking, challenging and presented in a way that leaves you truly motivated! “Yes you can. That’s it. Nine letters but they really do sum up the message of virtually every one of my books and seminars,” says Linamen on page 119. I really should keep this book within reach at all times to keep me focused and motivated!

Once again, I’ve been pleasantly surprised and challenged by a non-fiction, self-help book written for those of us who have some habits in dire need of changing. Karen has written a book that encourages each of us to change dissatisfaction over failure into a motivational tool that prods us into new areas of positive, dream-fulfilling change. She encourages us to realize what is possible, where are passions lie, and practical, scriptural ways to pursue those dreams and press them into life’s reality. Let me share a few nuggets of truth that might help you catch a glimpse of the direction this book wants to take the reader!

“Whether we realize it or not, you and I have habits that have created, perpetuated, or are currently driving aspects of our lives that we love…as well as other aspects we’d love to change.” (p. 54)

“Habits are the little anchors that keep us from straying very far from the lifestyle to which we’ve become accustomed, whether that lifestyle makes us happy or miserable.” (p. 54)

“Habits bear fruit, with some producing fruit that is bitter and worm riddled, while other habits produce fruit that is sweet and satisfying.” (p. 64)

And the best part about the entire scope of this practical, hope-giving book of encouragement? Karen Scalf Linamen boldly proclaims; “The truth is, God is the ultimate change agent,” (p. 125) She goes on to present the simplicity of the gospel in all of its life-changing power, and gives the Lord credit for seeing her through some of her own difficult life changes. This lady has it going on! She’s not perfect. She doesn’t claim to have all the answers. But Karen Scalf Linamen has a personal relationship with her Savior and a healthy dose of common sense and humor that provide hope for all of us to make positive, life-giving changes to habits that keep us from becoming all that God desires us to be in Him.

I really liked this book, and I am proud to recommend it to my blogging buddies and all avid readers! I am also happy to let you know I have a FREE copy to give away to anyone who will leave their name, contact information and a dream for change in the comments section of this post!


Karen Scalf Linamen is a popular speaker and the celebrated author of ten books for women, including Due to Rising Energy Costs the Light at the End of the Tunnel Has Been Turned Off and Just Hand Over the Chocolate and No One Will Get Hurt. She has been featured on more than one hundred radio programs, including FamilyLife Today. Publishers Weekly describes her as “funny, forthright and unforgettable.” Linamen lives with her family in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Visit her website at


  1. Pick me. Ruthjoec at aol dot com

  2. What a great book to readh for a new year!
    Thanks for the chance!
    cmrobin (at) bellsouth (dot) net

  3. I would love to read this, I need to change several things!

  4. Rann -
    You are the winner of this give away! I have sent an email requesting your snail mail information. Thanks for entering!

