Saturday, November 29, 2008

My Review of Gallimore by Michelle Griep

Be still my heart!! Gallimore is a book that you simply cannot pass by! Part romance, part historical, part fantasy….oh dear readers!! You do NOT want to miss this!!

Can you tell I finished Gallimore’s final pages just this moment?! Just this moment read the last M’lady in its most precious utterance? What can I say? You begin with a heart-wrenching terrifying prologue that lingers in the broken heart of Jessica Neale as she boards a plane for London. On the plane, Jessica meets a stranger who turns out to be a local from the area she is traveling to, a stranger who offers to help keep her safe during her travels. When the stranger’s directions take her into the English countryside in the midst of a horrific thunderstorm in search of the remains of a fourteenth century castle…well the story that unwinds from that moment will steal your breath away!

What is real? What is imagined? Has true love fled Jessica’s life forever? Journey from present to past and back again with such beautiful reality that you will never forget the castle Gallimore! In addition to the adventure, the romance the intrigue that makes this story so memorable, there is a spiritual truth subtly bound within the story that will give you pause to examine your own walk with Christ. Truly, this is an unforgettable story! This was a WONDERFUL book! I cannot wait to read the next novel by Michelle Griep!! I highly recommend Gallimore to everyone!

This book is scheduled to for release on December 15th, 2008 from Black Lyon Publishing! Visit Michelle Griep's website today to get the latest news about Gallimore and purchase your own copy!

Watch the video trailer again!

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