Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Reading something different today....

I received a book in the mail yesterday...an advanced reader's copy of a book on parenting. I'm not much of a self-help book reader, but this has caught my interest. The book in written by parents asking the question "What kind of parent do you want to be?" While I've only just begun to read through the book, the question is already running steady in my mind. I'm sure it will be an interesting and helpful read. I'll let you know as I progress.

I made mention in another post about attending a Celebrate Recovery meeting over the weekend. That experience has also cut a deep track in my mind, and I keep being amazed at the truly awesome work God is doing in these lives! The man who spoke was gloriously saved while he was in jail, and he just cannot fathom why every Christian, regardless of their circumstance, isn't as excited about the redeeming love of Christ as he is. His enthusiasm was contagious! Truly, no matter what situation we find ourselves in, the fact that we are blood-bought children of the King of Kings should give us peace and joy to see us through. We should praise Him in spite of our worldly "chains".

I am rejoicing today in the truth of God's word and the fact that there are so many other Christians out there who are sharing this truth and spreading the excitement of Christ's redemptive power through the written word.

Happy reading!!

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