“Because this is your life, Clay: fleeting, ephemeral and insignificant except for one thing, that El loved you. And you have missed it. Missed it all, completely. And now, look at you, Sweating, worried about your life, your story. Did you expect to live forever? Did you not think that this day would come, if not in this way then in some other? I’ve done you a favor!”
“…soon – there will be at least one of El’s precious clay humans more damned to hell than I!”
The words of the demon seared my heart and left me breathless. I want to weep for the souls who do not know Christ. I feel keenly the shame of not telling the Truth to every other soul I encounter. What began as a book in my mailbox with a cover that made me uncomfortable has left me feeling more aware of God’s presence in my life and my responsibility toward that precious gift than any story I’ve read in a very long time.
This story made me realize that the cares of this world will silence my testimony for Christ as certainly as physically removing my ability to communicate any sound at all. I KNOW that silencing the truth is a victory in the war between Satan’s Legion and the souls that Christ has saved through his death on the cross as well as those who do not yet know Him in the pardon of sin - my own children. How could I possibly allow such a dark victory to be won in my own life? I KNOW I am a child of the King. I call Him Saviour and Father, Friend and Lord….yet I have so often been silent. I have not spoken or written down the things most dear to my heart and most true in my life out of fear…fear of what? Judgement? Criticism? Rejection? Can I even name this fear that has so completely silenced the truth in my own life?
Clay – the primary character. His very name encapsulates the form of every human that has come from the hand of God. I didn’t pick up on this until about half-way through the story, but when the demon calls his name; “CLAY!” it almost jumped off the page at me. Then I began to see how closely he came to knowing God’s truth…how God placed people in his life to pray for him and witness to him…and he kept missing it. Blind to the truth. But for the grace of God, we would all stumble through this ephemeral existence blind and eternally damned.
Yet CHRIST!! Calvary! The Resurrection! It is ours! It makes us a new creature, in His image! What promise! What hope! What light we have to share with the world!!
This book speaks powerfully to those who know Christ. I imagine if it were prayerfully given to an unbeliever it could serve as a powerful witnessing tool as well. The title put me off, yet the eeriness of the first few chapters clung to me even in my dreams. I haven’t read such a powerful book in a very long time, and I eagerly await anything else Tosca Lee has to offer! I can only say: “A-MEN!”
Father, forgive me! Give me the words to say and speak so that Your precious, life-giving truth will radiate from my life like a bright beacon in this very, very dark world. May I go through the rest of my life knowing what is real and lasting and what is temporal and vain. Thank you, Father for Tosca Lee and her faithfulness to write such a powerful story. Thank you for allowing me to read it. Give me the strength and wisdom to find my own voice and the courage to tell Your Truth to every other person you ever bring into my life.
Sunday, September 30, 2007

It is October 1st, time for the FIRST Day Blog Tour! (Join our alliance! Click the button!) The FIRST day of every month we will feature an author and his/her latest book's FIRST chapter!
This month's feature author is:
and her book:
Demon: A Memoir
(Zondervan, September 1, 2007)

As a Leadership Consultant, Tosca works with managers and leaders of organizations throughout the Pan-Pacific region, Europe, and the U.S.
Tosca is a former Mrs. Nebraska-America 1996, Mrs. Nebraska-United States 1998 and first runner-up to Mrs. United States and has been lauded nationally for her efforts to fight breast cancer.
In her spare time, Tosca enjoys cooking, studying history and theology, and traveling. She currently resides in Nebraska with her Shar Pei, Attila.
Visit her at her website and her blog.

It was raining the night he found me. Traffic had slowed on Massachusetts Avenue, and the wan light of streetlamps reflected off the pavement. I was hurrying on without an umbrella, distracted by the chirp of a text message on my phone, trying to shield its illuminated face from rain and the drizzle off storefront awnings. There had been a mistake in my schedule, an appointment that I didn’t recognize and that I had stayed late at the office for — until six forty-five — just in case. Our office manager was texting me from home now to say she had no idea who it was with, that the appointment must have belonged on Phil’s calendar, that she was sorry for the mistake and to have a good night.
I flipped the phone shut, shoved it in my bag. I was worn out by this week already, and it was only Tuesday. The days were getting shorter, the sun setting by six o’clock. It put me on edge, gnawed at me, as though I had better get somewhere warm and cheerful or, barring all else, home before it got any darker. But I was unwilling to face the empty apartment, the dirty dishes and unopened mail on the counter. So I lowered my head against the rain and walked another two blocks past my turnoff until I came to the Bosnian Café. A strap of bells on the door announced my entrance with a ringing slap.
I liked the worn appeal of the Bosnian Café with its olfactory embrace of grilled chicken and gyro meat that enveloped me upon every arrival and clung to me long after leaving. That night, in the premature darkness and rain, the café seemed especially homey with its yellowing countertops, chipped mirrors, and grimy ketchup bottles. Cardboard shamrocks, remnants of a forgotten Saint Patrick’s Day, draped the passthrough into the kitchen, faded around their die-cut edges. A string of Christmas lights lined the front window, every third bulb out. On the wall above the register, a framed photo of the café’s owner with a local pageant queen, and another with a retired Red Sox player, had never been dusted. But no one, including me, seemed to mind.
I stood in the entry waiting for Esad, the owner, to notice me. But it was not the bald man who welcomed me.
It was the dark-haired stranger.
I was surveying the other tables, looking for inspiration — chicken or steak, gyro or salad — when he beckoned. I hesitated, wondering if I should recognize him, this man sitting by himself — but no, I did not know him. He impatiently waved again, and I glanced over my shoulder, but there was no one standing in the entryway but me. And then the man at the table stood up and strode directly to me.
“You’re late,” he said, clasping my shoulder and smiling. He was tall, tanned, with curling hair and a slightly hooked nose that did nothing to detract from his enviable Mediterranean looks. His eyes glittered beneath well-formed brows. His teeth were very white.
“I’m sorry. I think you have the wrong person,” I said. He chuckled.
“Not at all! I’ve been waiting for you for quite some time. An eternity, you might say. Please, come sit down. I took the liberty of ordering for you.” His voice reminded me of fine cognac, the Hors d’Age men drink aboard their yachts as they cut their Cohíbas.
“You have the wrong person. I don’t know you,” I insisted, even as he steered me toward the table. I didn’t want to embarrass him; he already seemed elegantly out of place here in what, for all practical purposes, was a joint. But he would feel like an elegant fool in another minute, especially if his real appointment — interview, date, whatever — walked in and saw him sitting here with me.
“But I know you, Clay.”
I started at the sound of my name, spoken by him with a mixture of familiarity and strange interest, and then I studied him more closely — the squareness of his jaw, the smoothness of his cheek, his utter self-possession — wondering if I had indeed met him before. But I hadn’t, I was certain of it now.
One of Esad’s nephews arrived with a chicken sandwich and two cups of coffee. “Please,” the stranger said, motioning to a vinyl-covered chair. Numbly, stupidly, I sat.
“You work down the street at Brooks and Hanover,” he said when the younger man had gone. He seated himself adjacent to me, his chair angled toward mine. He crossed his legs, plucked invisible lint off the fine wool of his trousers. “You’re an editor.”
Several thoughts went through my head in that moment, none of them savory: first, that this was some finance or insurance rep who — just like the pile of loan offers on my counter at home — was trying to capitalize on my recent divorce. Or, that this was some aggressive literary agent trying to play suave.
Most likely, though, he was a writer.
Every editor has stories to tell: zealous writers pushing manuscripts on them during their kid’s softball game, passing sheaves of italicized print across pews at church, or trying to pick them up in bars, casually mentioning between lubricated flirtations that they write stories on the side and just happen to have a manuscript in the car. I had lost count of the dry cleaners, dental hygienists, and plumbers who, upon hearing what I did for a living, had felt compelled to gift me with their short stories and children’s books, their novels-in-progress and rhyming poetry.
“Look, whoever you are — ”
I meant to tell him that I was sure we didn’t publish whatever it was he wanted me to read, that there were industryaccepted ways to get his work to us if we did, that he could visit the website and check out the guidelines. I also meant to get up and walk away, to look for Esad or his nephew and put an order in — to go. But I didn’t say or do any of these things, because what he said next stopped me cold.
“I know you’re searching, Clay. I know you’re wondering what these late, dark nights are for. You have that seasonal disease, that modern ailment, don’t you? SAD, they call it. But it isn’t the disorder — you should know that. It isn’t even your divorce. That’s not what’s bothering you. Not really.”
I was no longer hungry. I pushed away the chicken sandwich
he had ordered and said with quiet warning, “I don’t know who you are, but this isn’t funny.”
He went on as though he hadn’t heard me, saying with what seemed great feeling, “It’s that you don’t know what it’s all for: the hours and days, working on the weekends, the belief that you’ll eventually get caught up and on that ultimate day something will happen. That everything will make sense or you’ll at least have time to figure it out. You’re a good man, Clay, but what has that won you? You’re alone, growing no younger, drifting toward some unknown but inevitable end in this life. And where is the meaning in that?”
I sat very still. I felt exposed, laid open, as though I had emptied my mind onto the table like the contents of a pocket. I could not meet his gaze. Nearby, a couple — both of their heads dripping dirty blond dreadlocks — mulled over menus as the woman dandled an infant on her lap. Beyond them, a thickset woman paged through People, and a young man in scrubs plodded in a sleep-deprived daze through an anemic salad. I wondered if any of them had noticed my uncanny situation, the strange hijacking taking place here. But they were mired in their menus, distractions, and stupor. At the back counter, a student tapped at the keypad of his phone, sending messages into the ether.
“I realize how this feels, and I apologize,” Lucian said, folding long fingers together on his knee. His nails were smooth and neatly manicured. He wore an expensivelooking watch, the second hand of which seemed to hesitate before hiccupping on, as though time had somehow slowed in the sallow light of the diner. “I could have done this differently, but I don’t think I would have had your attention.”
“What are you, some kind of Jehovah’s Witness?” I said. It was the only thing that made sense. His spiel could have hit close to anyone. I felt conned, angry, but most of all embarrassed by my emotional response.
His laughter was abrupt and, I thought, slightly manic. “Oh my,” he said, wiping the corners of his eyes. I pushed back my chair.
His merriment died so suddenly that were it not for the sound of it still echoing in my ears, I might have thought I had imagined it. “I’m going to tell you everything,” he said, leaning toward me so that I could see the tiny furrows around the corners of his mouth, the creases beneath his narrowed eyes. A strange glow emanated from the edge of his irises like the halo of a solar eclipse. “I’m going to tell you my story. I’ve great hope for you, in whom I will create the repository of my tale — my memoir, if you will. I believe it will be of great interest to you. And you’re going to write it down and publish it.”
Now I barked a stunted laugh. “No, I’m not. I don’t care if you’re J. D. Salinger.”
Again he went on as though I’d said nothing. “I understand they’re all the rage these days, memoirs. Publishing houses pay huge sums for the ghostwritten, self-revelatory accounts of celebrities all the time. But trust me; they’ve never acquired a story like mine.”
“Look,” I said, a new edge in my voice, “You’re no celebrity I recognize, and I’m no ghostwriter. So I’m going to get myself some dinner and be nice enough to forget this ever happened.” But as I started to rise, he grabbed me by the arm. His fingers, biting through the sleeve of my coat, were exceedingly strong, unnaturally warm, and far too intimate.
“But you won’t forget,” he said, the strange light of fanaticism in his eyes. His mouth seemed to work independently of their stare, as though it came from another face altogether. “You will recall everything — every word I say. Long after you have forgotten, in fact, the name of this café, the way I summoned you to this table, the first prick of your mortal curiosity about me. Long after you have forgotten, in fact, the most basic details of your life. You will remember, and you will curse or bless this day.”
I felt ill. Something about the way he said mortal . . . In that instant, reality, strung out like an elastic band, snapped. This was no writer.
“Yes. You see,” he said quietly. “You know. We can share now, between us, the secret of what I am.”
And the words came, unbidden, to my mind: Fallen. Dark Spirit.
The trembling that began in my stomach threatened to seize up my diaphragm. But then he released me and sat back. “Now. Here is Mr. Esad, wondering why you haven’t touched your sandwich.” And indeed, here came the bald man, coffeepot in hand, smiling at the stranger as though he were more of a regular than I. I stared between them as they made their pleasantries, the sound of their banter at sick odds with what my visceral sense told me was true, what no one else seemed to notice: that I was sitting here with something incomprehensively evil.
When Esad left, Lucian took a thin napkin from the dispenser and set it beside my coffee cup. The gesture struck me as aberrantly mundane. He sighed.
“I feel your trepidation, that sense that you ought to get up and leave immediately. And under normal circumstances, I would say that you are right. But listen to me now when I tell you you’re safe. Be at ease. Here. I’ll lean forward like this, in your human way. When that couple over there sees my little smile, this conspiratorial look, they’ll think we’re sharing a succulent bit of gossip.”
I wasn’t at ease. Not at all. My heart had become a pounding liability in my chest.
“Why?” I managed, wishing I were even now in the emptiness of my apartment, staring at the world through the bleak window of my TV.
Lucian leaned even closer, his hand splayed across the top of the table so that I could see the blue veins along the back of it. His voice dropped below a whisper, but I had no difficulty hearing him. “Because my story is very closely connected to yours. We’re not so different after all, you and I. We both want purpose, meaning, to see the bigger picture. I can give you that.”
“You don’t even know me!”
“On the contrary,” he said, sliding the napkin dispenser away, as though it were a barrier between us. “I know everything about you. Your childhood house on Ridgeview Drive. The tackle box you kept your football cards in. The night you tried to sneak out after homecoming to meet Lindsey Bennett. You broke your wrist climbing out of the window.”
I stared.
“I know of your father’s passing — you were fifteen. About the merlot you miss since giving up drinking, the way you dip your hamburgers in blue cheese dressing — your friend Piotr taught you that in college. That you’ve been telling yourself you ought to get away somewhere — Mexico, perhaps. That you think it’s the seasonal disorder bothering you, though it’s not — ”
“Stop!” I threw up my hands, wanting him to leave at once, equally afraid that he might and that I would be stuck knowing that there was this person — this thing — watching me. Knowing everything.
His voice gentled. “Let me assure you you’re not the only one; I could list myriad facts about anyone. Name someone. How about Sheila?” He smirked. “Let’s just say she didn’t return your essage from home, and her husband thinks she’s working late. Esad? Living in war-torn Bosnia was no small feat. He — ” He cocked his head, and there came now a faint buzzing like an invisible swarm of mosquitoes. I instinctively jerked away.
“What was that?” I demanded, unable to pinpoint where the sound had come from.
“Ah. A concentration camp!” He looked surprised. “I didn’t know that. Did you know that? And as for your ex — ” He tilted his head again.
“No! Please, don’t.” I lowered my head into my hand, dug my fingers into my scalp. Five months after the divorce, the wound still split open at the mere mention of her.
“You see?” he whispered, his head ducked down so that he stared intently up into my face. “I can tell you everything.”
“I don’t understand.”
“I’ve made a pastime of studying case histories, of following them through from beginning to end. You fascinate me in the same way that beetles with their uncanny instinct for dung rolling used to fascinate you. I know more about you than your family. Than your ex. Than you know about yourself, I daresay.”
Something — some by-product of fear — rose up within me as anger at last. “If you are what you say, aren’t you here to make some kind of deal for my soul? To tempt me? Why did you order me coffee, then? Why not a glass of merlot or a Crown and Coke?” My voice had risen, but I didn’t care; I felt my anger with relief.
Lucian regarded me calmly. “Please. How trite. Besides, they don’t serve liquor here.” But then his calm fell away, and he was staring — not at me but past me, toward the clock on the wall. “But there,” he pointed. His finger seemed exceedingly long. “See how the hour advances without us!” He leapt to his feet, and I realized with alarm that he meant to leave.
“What — you can’t just go now that you’ve — ”
“I’ve come to you at great risk,” he hissed, the sound sibilant, as though he had whispered in my ear though he stood three feet away. And then he strode to the glass door and pushed out into the darkness, disappearing beyond the reflected interior of the café like a shadow into a mirror. The strap of bells fell against the door with a flat metal clink, and my own stunned reflection stared back.
Rain pelted my eyes, slipped in wet tracks through my hair against my scalp, ran in rivulets down my nape to mingle with the sweat against my back. It had gotten colder, almost freezing, but I was sweating inside the sodden collar of my shirt as I hurried down Norfolk, my bag slapping against my hip, my legs cramped and wooden, nightmare slow.
The abrupt warmth inside my apartment building threatened to suffocate me as I stumbled up the stairs. My ears pintingled to painful life as I fumbled with my keys. Inside my apartment at last, I fell back against the door, head throbbing and lungs heaving in the still air. I stayed like that, my coat dripping onto the carpet, for several long moments. Then a mad whim struck me.
With numb fingers, I retrieved the laptop from my bag and set it up on the kitchen table. With my coat still on, I dropped down onto a wooden chair, staring at the screen as it yawned to life. I logged into the company server, opened my calendar.
There — my six-thirty appointment. It was simply noted: L.
Sample from Demon / ISBN 1-60006-123-0
Copyright © 2006 NavPress Publishing.
All rights reserved.
To order copies of this resource, come back to www.navpress.com.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Writing down what is ugly
Last night I had someone tell me that when they looked at what they had written down about themselves, it was just "too ugly" and they had to throw it away. I have thought about that statement over and over today, and I can only conclude one thing...but for the blood of Christ, our lives would indeed be "too ugly" for God to look upon. But because of His finished work on the cross, God can look at each of His children and love and cherish us as His own! How wonderful is that?
So I take great comfort in the fact that while I may not enjoy looking at my own faults and wrong choices, and I may not want anyone else to look into my life close enough to see all of my mistakes, God looks upon me and sees a redeemed soul that bears the image of His Son! Praise God!! It is my prayer that I begin to look more and more like Him to those around me!
Be blessed by this promise!
So I take great comfort in the fact that while I may not enjoy looking at my own faults and wrong choices, and I may not want anyone else to look into my life close enough to see all of my mistakes, God looks upon me and sees a redeemed soul that bears the image of His Son! Praise God!! It is my prayer that I begin to look more and more like Him to those around me!
Be blessed by this promise!

Though loss is often marked
in a single moment,
letting go of someone you love
can take a lifetime...
The threat of war--and a final request--send Véronique Girard from France to a distant and uninviting country. In the Colorado Territory, she searches for the man who has held her heart since childhood--her father. Pierre Girard left Paris for the Americas to seek his fortune in fur trading, vowing to send for his wife and daughter. But twenty-five years have passed and his vow remains unfulfilled. Sifting through shards of broken promises, Véronique embarks on a dangerous search for a man she scarcely remembers.
His grief finally healed, Jack Brennan is moving on with life. After years of guiding families west, he is now working as a freighter to the mining towns surrounding Willow Springs. What he doesn't count on is an unexpected traveling companion on his trips up into the mountains, and how one woman's search will cause havoc with his plans... and his life.
"Alexander again delivers a most amazing story. The characters are more than words on the page; they become real people. Though there are French words sprinkled throughout the story, they enhance the emotions rather than distract the reader." --Romantic Times
"...a rich historical romance by possibly the best new writer in this subgenre." --Library Journal
"Alexander has done it again with Remembered, third in the FOUNTAIN CREEK CHRONICLES. She's fashioned characters that are as rich and deep as the mountains and valleys they explore throughout the pages, coloring the story as adeptly as the heroine does her canvas. I was drawn immediately into the ages-old heartaches of both of the main characters, understanding at once Veronique's reticence to make a place for herself in the unknown wilds of America and Jack's uncompromising love for this land that he’s cut a swath through time and again. They both have a series of mountains to overcome in the search for Veronique’s father, but I enjoyed watching their faith and appreciation grow with each turn of the page. And woven adeptly through it all is the encompassing truth of the Lord's sovereignty—that sometimes He takes away, and sometimes He gives us what we need, not what we're looking for.
Anyone's who's read the other Fountain Creek books won't want to miss this one, but it easily stands alone. The characters will take you by the hand and lead you heart-first into their stories, and by the time they release you at the end, you'll feel as though you've taken up residence just across the Creek from them, as surely as they have in your heart." --Roseanna White, christianreviewofbooks.com
"Remembered, the third book in the FOUNTAIN CREEK CHRONICLES, takes us back to Willow Creek and revisits beloved characters from the previous two books in the series, Rekindled and Revealed. Tamera Alexander has the remarkable ability to create places, and characters who endear themselves to us, even those just briefly mentioned. If I had lived in the late 1800s, I would love to have met these people and would surely have been inspired by the way they lived out their faith.
Remembered is a delightful read, well-researched and well-written. I expect to see great things from this author in the future." --Lindsey Freitas, bookloons.com
"Remembered is an absolutely wonderful continuation of the FOUNTAIN CREEK CHRONICLES." --Amanda Schafer, armchairinterviews.com
Tamara Alexander

Tamera Alexander is a bestselling novelist whose deeply drawn characters, thought provoking plots, and poignant prose resonate with readers. Alexander’s books have won multiple awards, including Romance Writers of America’s 2007 RITA® for Best Inspirational Romance, the 2007 Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence, 2007 Bookseller’s Best, and Library Journal’s Top Christian Fiction of 2006.
Her books have received acclaim from Library Journal, True West Magazine and Historical Novels Review, and Rekindled debuted on the CBA fiction bestseller list. She has a professional background in business management and conference coordination. A leader of women's ministries for over twelve years, she is currently active in music ministry, facilitating small groups, and mentoring other women. A graduate of Harding University, Tamera lives with her husband and their two teenagers in Greeley, Colorado.
Her other two books in the Fountain Creek Chronicles are Rekindled (Book 1) and Revealed (Book 2)
To celebrate the release of Remembered, as well as the 3-volume boxed set of Fountain Creek Chronicles (Rekindled, Revealed, and Remembered), Tamera is currently giving away boxed sets in a contest on her website. Check out the contest at http://www.tameraalexander.com/ .
From a Distance, the first book in Tamera’s next historical series (Timber Ridge Reflections) releases in spring 2008.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
What I'm thinking about today....
Roman 15: 1-2 reads like this:
We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak and not to please ourselves. Let every one of us please his neighbor for his good to edification.
My husband and I volunteer at a women's rehab facility, and as our roles there grow and change, my husband considered anew what our purpose was in that place. Romans 15:1-2 was the answer to his question. Many of these ladies are new Christians, and as unworthy as we are, my husband and I are coming along side these folks (as Christians a little further down the road of life) as they heal and recover from wrong choices and encourage them to cling to God and His strength during this time. Every week it seems there is a new challenge and a new miracle. He has given us such a love for this precious group of ladies, and it amazes me that we have not done such work before.
I cannot begin to express in words truly what I have learned from this experience in the past few months. I know I'm learning not to be so quick with an answer, to seek God for absolutely everything...especially what I say or don't say to encourage these folks. I'm learning that our relationships have not happened by chance and that there is purpose in all we say and do for Christ, and I have learned that there is no difference between me and these women in recovery...we are all blood bought creations of our precious Heavenly Father! His mercies are new every day to each of us! How could I not come along side someone who is my sister and help bear her load??
As you read and write and consider things, don't forget to spend real time with real people helping them to carry their load. We are all the better for it!!
We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak and not to please ourselves. Let every one of us please his neighbor for his good to edification.
My husband and I volunteer at a women's rehab facility, and as our roles there grow and change, my husband considered anew what our purpose was in that place. Romans 15:1-2 was the answer to his question. Many of these ladies are new Christians, and as unworthy as we are, my husband and I are coming along side these folks (as Christians a little further down the road of life) as they heal and recover from wrong choices and encourage them to cling to God and His strength during this time. Every week it seems there is a new challenge and a new miracle. He has given us such a love for this precious group of ladies, and it amazes me that we have not done such work before.
I cannot begin to express in words truly what I have learned from this experience in the past few months. I know I'm learning not to be so quick with an answer, to seek God for absolutely everything...especially what I say or don't say to encourage these folks. I'm learning that our relationships have not happened by chance and that there is purpose in all we say and do for Christ, and I have learned that there is no difference between me and these women in recovery...we are all blood bought creations of our precious Heavenly Father! His mercies are new every day to each of us! How could I not come along side someone who is my sister and help bear her load??
As you read and write and consider things, don't forget to spend real time with real people helping them to carry their load. We are all the better for it!!
Monday, September 24, 2007
John 16:27
For the Father himself loveth you, because ye have loved me, and have believed that I came out from God.
Rejoice in this truth today!! Monday is starting out with an awesome promise!!
Rejoice in this truth today!! Monday is starting out with an awesome promise!!

Lyn Cote's journey to becoming a published author was a long one - she started her first book when her daughter was 13 months old and her first novel was published when her daughter was about to enter high school. But Lyn was writing for a market that hadn't taken shape yet - the inspirational fiction market.
In 1996, Lyn Cote's first inspirational historical manuscript was a finalist in the Romance Writers of America's Golden Heart Contest. This became her first historical novel, Whispers Of Love, in her BLESSED ASSURANCE series.
Most recently, Chloe, the first novel in Lyn's "Women of Ivy Manor" historical series was a 2006 RWA Rita Award finalist for Best Inspirational, as well as a finalist for the Holt Medallion and the National REaders Choice Contest.
Lyn also writes contemporary romance and romantic suspense. She lives in the lovely northwoods of Wisconsin with her husband and three cats. Aside from writing, she also likes to knit, crochet, read, and do lunch with friends.
Now available for the first time in one edition--All three novels from Lyn Cote's beloved Blessed Assurance series
In Whispers of Love, Civil War widow Jessie Wagstaff must fend for herself and her son. When a stranger, Lee Smith, befriends Jessie's son, even though she recognizes nine-year-old Linc's need for a father figure, she's reluctant to let a new man into their life. When the Great Chicago Fire blazes, every heart is pushed to its limits.
In Lost In His Love, Jessie's son Linc, a social activist and reporter, charms his way through the upper class of San Francisco to build much-needed support for his fight against child labor. His main target is Cecilia Jackson, a beautiful heiress who doesn't recognize the crucial part she plays in this dangerous exploitation. As the secrets of her family's dark past are exposed, Cecilia must revive her own wounded spirit and find the strength to lean on the never-failing love of Christ. But when the 1906 earthquake hits, everyone's faith will be put to the test.
In Echoes of Mercy, Meg Wagstaff challenges the racial barriers of 1920s New Orleans in order to prove that her childhood friend did not commit murder. The stubborn lawyer prosecuting the case, Gabriel St. Clair, is an authentic Southern gentleman who makes the mistake of underestimating Meg, both her tenacity and her charm. Despite their many differences, sparks begin to fly. But when Meg discovers the truth, will Gabe be able to protect her from those who can't afford to have justice prevail?
Friday, September 21, 2007
Standing your ground....no matter who is watching.
I received an email from a friend who has someone from her local community participating in the new Survivor: China television show. Well, I didn't see the show, but apparently the participants were asked to enter a temple and bow to Budda upon their arrival. This lady is a Christian, and she simply walked out. In explanation she told the viewers that the Bible tells her not to bow to graven images, and she was going to be obedient to God's word!
I was reminded of an incident in my own life when my husband had to stand before a crowd and refuse to drink an alcoholic toast in the name of "tradition". He refused to live one way before his co-workers during the week, and then behave differently during a gala event in the name of "tradition" on the weekend. He paid a high price for standing his ground, but I was never more proud of him for defending his personal testimony as a Christian.
This choice spills over into all areas of our life. What we watch on television, what we read for recreation and what we listen to on the radio....all these things tell the world around us who we are and who we belong to. My reason for starting this blog is to take a close look at Christian fiction and be honest with folks about whether or not God's glory is reflected in the books sitting on our shelves. In today's world, I think it is very important that we be bright lights for those around us! So go into this weekend mindful of your testimony. May all we say, and do, and write, and read....honor and glorify the mighty God we serve!!
I was reminded of an incident in my own life when my husband had to stand before a crowd and refuse to drink an alcoholic toast in the name of "tradition". He refused to live one way before his co-workers during the week, and then behave differently during a gala event in the name of "tradition" on the weekend. He paid a high price for standing his ground, but I was never more proud of him for defending his personal testimony as a Christian.
This choice spills over into all areas of our life. What we watch on television, what we read for recreation and what we listen to on the radio....all these things tell the world around us who we are and who we belong to. My reason for starting this blog is to take a close look at Christian fiction and be honest with folks about whether or not God's glory is reflected in the books sitting on our shelves. In today's world, I think it is very important that we be bright lights for those around us! So go into this weekend mindful of your testimony. May all we say, and do, and write, and read....honor and glorify the mighty God we serve!!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Well, I finished reading the parenting book!
I'm not much on "self-help" books, but the advanced copy of Drs. Les and Leslie Parott's upcoming book "What Kind of Parent do you want to be?" was pretty good. It is set up in short chapters that can be read in any order. Each chapter contains clear, concise definitions of the character trait being discussed as well as self-tests and discussion questions. Based on their research and information, I'm a better parent than I thought (raising boys, you always wonder!), but I could work on my patience and being more intuitive about my children's feelings. The only negative for me personally was the fact that this couple feels the need to get away from their children to discuss them, which I thought was kind of odd. They preface their own get-aways with the fact that a get-away is not necessary, but....Oh well, they know a lot about this mystery role called parenting, and they are wise enough to encourage us all to lean on God and depend on Him to fill in the gaps that we inevitably leave in the raising of our children. This book will be available next month.
I'm re-reading Jan Karon's Mitford series right now (I'm on book 5) in preparation for her newest book to be released in October! I'm a huge fan of the Mitford books, and I feel like those folks are old friends! I can't wait for the first book in her Father Tim series! And the flip-side of my reading schedule includes books 2 and 3 in John Aubrey Anderson's Black or White Chronicles. If you haven't read this series....go get a copy! They are terrific!!
I'm rejoicing today in the promises of God's presence found in Psalms 139. I encourage everyone to read and re-read that chapter! Then, just sit back and soak up His presence!
Happy Reading!
I'm re-reading Jan Karon's Mitford series right now (I'm on book 5) in preparation for her newest book to be released in October! I'm a huge fan of the Mitford books, and I feel like those folks are old friends! I can't wait for the first book in her Father Tim series! And the flip-side of my reading schedule includes books 2 and 3 in John Aubrey Anderson's Black or White Chronicles. If you haven't read this series....go get a copy! They are terrific!!
I'm rejoicing today in the promises of God's presence found in Psalms 139. I encourage everyone to read and re-read that chapter! Then, just sit back and soak up His presence!
Happy Reading!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Victoria Christopher Murray

Victoria Christopher Murray always knew she would become an author, even as she was taking quite an unlikely path to that destination. A native of Queens, New York, Victoria first left New York to attend Hampton Institute in Virginia where she majored in Communication Disorders. After graduating from Hampton, Victoria attended New York University where she received her MBA.
Victoria spent ten years in Corporate America before she decided to test her entrepreneurial spirit. She opened a Financial Services Agency for Aegon, USA where she managed the number one division for nine consecutive years. However, Victoria never lost the dream to write and when the “bug” hit her again in 1997, she answered the call.
Victoria originally self published Temptation. “I wanted to write a book as entertaining and compelling as any of the books on the market, put God in the middle, and have the book still be a page-turner. I wasn’t writing to any particular genre – I didn’t even know Christian fiction existed. I just wanted to write about people I knew and characters I could relate to.”
In 2000, Time Warner published Temptation. Temptation made numerous best sellers list across the nation and remained on the Essence bestsellers list for nine consecutive months. In 2001, Temptation was nominated for an NAACP Image Award in Outstanding Literature.
Since Temptation, Victoria has written four other novels: JOY, Truth Be Told, Grown Folks Business, and A Sin and a Shame. All of her novels have continued to be Essence bestsellers; her last three each reaching #1. In addition, Victoria has received numerous awards including the Golden Pen Award for Best Inspirational Fiction and in 2006, she was awarded the Phyllis Wheatley Trailblazer Award for being the pioneer in African American Christian Fiction.
Sometimes our words can touch hearts...
I think this is something that I have forgotten. I used to write a lot of poetry, but for some reason I "put it on the shelf" and nothing had come from my pen in a very long time. Well, I met a lady who is struggling with some serious issues, and she wanted me to pray that the Lord would return her love of writing and words to her life. I asked her to pray the same thing for me. Two days ago, the Lord gave me a poem almost fully formed just for this lady and the group she is in as she recovers.
As I read these words to a group lastnight, I saw tears, smiles and heard soft "wow's" go through the group. They had understood my message and they knew that I supported them as they sought God's strength to get through some very tough situations. That poem was an answer to prayer in my life. I thank God for the words He allows us to form and share with others! I am so very, very thankful that there is a Christian fiction market filled with books that realistically look at the world through the lens of God's forgiveness and faithfulness!
I am so excited to have this place to share my words and thoughts with you! I look forward to reading together and sharing these wonderful stories and the messages of God's mighty work in our lives! Keep reading! Keep writing! And always trust God for answers!
As I read these words to a group lastnight, I saw tears, smiles and heard soft "wow's" go through the group. They had understood my message and they knew that I supported them as they sought God's strength to get through some very tough situations. That poem was an answer to prayer in my life. I thank God for the words He allows us to form and share with others! I am so very, very thankful that there is a Christian fiction market filled with books that realistically look at the world through the lens of God's forgiveness and faithfulness!
I am so excited to have this place to share my words and thoughts with you! I look forward to reading together and sharing these wonderful stories and the messages of God's mighty work in our lives! Keep reading! Keep writing! And always trust God for answers!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Reading something different today....
I received a book in the mail yesterday...an advanced reader's copy of a book on parenting. I'm not much of a self-help book reader, but this has caught my interest. The book in written by parents asking the question "What kind of parent do you want to be?" While I've only just begun to read through the book, the question is already running steady in my mind. I'm sure it will be an interesting and helpful read. I'll let you know as I progress.
I made mention in another post about attending a Celebrate Recovery meeting over the weekend. That experience has also cut a deep track in my mind, and I keep being amazed at the truly awesome work God is doing in these lives! The man who spoke was gloriously saved while he was in jail, and he just cannot fathom why every Christian, regardless of their circumstance, isn't as excited about the redeeming love of Christ as he is. His enthusiasm was contagious! Truly, no matter what situation we find ourselves in, the fact that we are blood-bought children of the King of Kings should give us peace and joy to see us through. We should praise Him in spite of our worldly "chains".
I am rejoicing today in the truth of God's word and the fact that there are so many other Christians out there who are sharing this truth and spreading the excitement of Christ's redemptive power through the written word.
Happy reading!!
I made mention in another post about attending a Celebrate Recovery meeting over the weekend. That experience has also cut a deep track in my mind, and I keep being amazed at the truly awesome work God is doing in these lives! The man who spoke was gloriously saved while he was in jail, and he just cannot fathom why every Christian, regardless of their circumstance, isn't as excited about the redeeming love of Christ as he is. His enthusiasm was contagious! Truly, no matter what situation we find ourselves in, the fact that we are blood-bought children of the King of Kings should give us peace and joy to see us through. We should praise Him in spite of our worldly "chains".
I am rejoicing today in the truth of God's word and the fact that there are so many other Christians out there who are sharing this truth and spreading the excitement of Christ's redemptive power through the written word.
Happy reading!!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Greetings from Alabama!
The air is taking on that crisp clean coolness of Autumn, and I must say it is invigorating after such a scorching Summer! I'm very excited about the task set before me here on this blog! I just finished my first book for review, and I am sooo tempted to post it for you already! But you'll have to wait until the first! Suffice it to say, you are in for a HUGE treat!! The world of Christian fiction is strong and vibrant, and the Lord is sending out His truth in a mighty way! Don't forget to pray for all those who are being faithful to share their God-given talent with all of us who love to read!
I was allowed a window into a world I've never viewed before...that of recovering addicts. I was invited to attend a Celebrate Recovery meeting this weekend, and I have to say it is an experience I'll not soon forget! While these folks have a LOT of things legal and otherwise to contend with, the amazing grace of God and the mighty work He is doing in lives is something that will cause the most reserved worshiper to shout and praise the Lord! What a mighty God we serve! As Christians we should live every moment in victory and shining a bright and joyful light of hope into this dark world that we live in! We all have things that fall short in our lives....run to Jesus and lay it in repentance at His feet. There alone will you find mercy and grace to lift you up and keep going!
Have a blessed day!!
I was allowed a window into a world I've never viewed before...that of recovering addicts. I was invited to attend a Celebrate Recovery meeting this weekend, and I have to say it is an experience I'll not soon forget! While these folks have a LOT of things legal and otherwise to contend with, the amazing grace of God and the mighty work He is doing in lives is something that will cause the most reserved worshiper to shout and praise the Lord! What a mighty God we serve! As Christians we should live every moment in victory and shining a bright and joyful light of hope into this dark world that we live in! We all have things that fall short in our lives....run to Jesus and lay it in repentance at His feet. There alone will you find mercy and grace to lift you up and keep going!
Have a blessed day!!
Friday, September 14, 2007

It is September 1st, time for the FIRST Day Blog Tour! (Join our alliance! Click the button!) The FIRST day of every month we will feature an author and his/her latest book's FIRST chapter!
This month's feature author is:
and her book:
(Zondervan, September 1, 2007)
Sushi for One? (Sushi Series, Book One is her first novel. Her second, Only Uni (Sushi Series, Book Two) comes out in February 2008!
Visit her at her website.

Eat and leave. That’s all she had to do.
If Grandma didn’t kill her first for being late.
Lex Sakai raced through the open doorway to the Chinese restaurant and was immediately immersed in conversation, babies’ wails, clashing perfumes, and stale sesame oil. She tripped over the threshold and almost turned her ankle. Stupid pumps. Man, she hated wearing heels.
Her cousin Chester sat behind a small table next to the open doorway.
“Hey Chester.”
“Oooh, you’re late. Grandma isn’t going to be happy. Sign over here.” He gestured to the guestbook that was almost drowned in the pink lace glued to the edges.
“What do I do with this?” Lex dropped the Babies R Us box on the table.
Chester grabbed the box and flipped it behind him with the air of a man who’d been doing this for too long and wanted out from behind the frilly welcome table.
Lex understood how he felt. So many of their cousins were having babies, and there were several mixed Chinese-Japanese marriages in the family. Therefore, most cousins opted for these huge—not to mention tiring—traditional Chinese Red Egg and Ginger parties to “present” their newborns, even though the majority of the family was Japanese American.
Lex bent to scrawl her name in the guestbook. Her new sheath dress sliced into her abs, while the fabric strained across her back muscles. Trish had convinced her to buy the dress, and it actually gave her sporty silhouette some curves, but its fitted design prevented movement. She should’ve worn her old loosefitting dress instead. She finished signing the book and looked back to Chester. “How’s the food?” The only thing worthwhile about these noisy events. Lex would rather be at the beach.
“They haven’t even started serving.”
“Great. That’ll put Grandma in a good mood.”
Chester grimaced, then gestured toward the far corner where there was a scarlet-draped wall and a huge gold dragon wall-hanging. “Grandma’s over there.”
“Thanks.” Yeah, Chester knew the drill, same as Lex. She had to go over to say hello as soon as she got to the party— before Grandma saw her, anyway—or Grandma would be peeved and stick Lex on her “Ignore List” until after Christmas.
Lex turned, then stopped. Poor Chester. He looked completely forlorn—not to mention too bulky—behind that silly table. Of all her cousins, he always had a smile and a joke for her. “Do you want to go sit down? I can man the table for you for a while. As long as you don’t forget to bring me some food.” She winked at him.
Chester flashed his toothy grin, and the weary lines around his face expanded into his normal laugh lines. “I appreciate that, but don’t worry about me.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. My sister’s going to bring me something—she’s got all the kids at her table, so she’ll have plenty for me. But thanks, Lex.”
“You’d do the same for me.”
Lex wiggled in between the round tables and inadvertently jammed her toe into the protruding metal leg of a chair. To accommodate the hefty size of Lex’s extended family, the restaurant had loaded the room with tables and chairs so it resembled a game of Tetris. Once bodies sat in the chairs, a chopstick could barely squeeze through. And while Lex prided herself on her athletic 18-percent body fat, she wasn’t a chopstick.
The Chinese waiters picked that exact moment to start serving the food.
Clad in black pants and white button-down shirts, they filed from behind the ornate screen covering the doorway to the kitchen, huge round platters held high above their heads. They slid through the crowded room like salmon—how the heck did they do that?—while it took all the effort Lex had to push her way through the five inches between an aunty and uncle’s
chairs. Like birds of prey, the waiters descended on her as if they knew she couldn’t escape.
Lex dodged one skinny waiter with plates of fatty pork and thumb-sized braised octopus. Another waiter almost gouged her eye out with his platter. She ducked and shoved at chairs, earning scathing glances from various uncles and aunties.
Finally, Lex exploded from the sea of tables into the open area by the dragon wall-hanging. She felt like she’d escaped from quicksand. Grandma stood and swayed in front of the horrifying golden dragon, holding her newest great-granddaughter, the star of the party. The baby’s face glowed as red as the fabric covering the wall. Probably scared of the dragon’s green buggy eyes only twelve inches away. Strange, Grandma seemed to be favoring her right hip.
“Hi, Grandma.”
“Lex! Hi sweetie. You’re a little late.”
Translation: You’d better have a good excuse.
Lex thought about lying, but aside from the fact that she couldn’t lie to save her life, Grandma’s eyes were keener than a sniper’s. “I’m sorry. I was playing grass volleyball and lost track of time.”
The carefully lined red lips curved down. “You play sports too much. How are you going to attract a man when you’re always sweating?”
Like she was now? Thank goodness for the fruity body spritz she had marinated herself in before she got out of her car.
“That’s a pretty dress, Lex. New, isn’t it?”
How did she do that? With as many grandchildren as she had, Grandma never failed to notice clothes, whereas Lex barely registered that she wasn’t naked. “Thanks. Trish picked it out.”
“It’s so much nicer than that ugly floppy thing you wore to your cousin’s wedding.”
Lex gritted her teeth. Respect your grandmother. Do not open your mouth about something like showing up in a polkadotted bikini.
“Actually, Lex, I’m glad you look so ladylike this time. I have a friend’s son I want you to meet—”
Oh, no. Not again. “Does he speak English?”
Grandma drew herself to her full height, which looked a little silly because Lex still towered over her. “Of course he does.”
“Yes. Lex, your attitude—”
“Now why should that make a difference?”
Lex widened innocent eyes. “Religious differences account for a lot of divorces.”
“I’m not asking you to marry him, just to meet him.”
Liar. “I appreciate how much you care about me, but I’ll find my own dates, thanks.” Lex smiled like she held a knife blade in her teeth. When Grandma got pushy like this, Lex had more backbone than the other cousins.
“I wouldn’t be so concerned, but you don’t date at all—”
Not going there. “Is this Chester’s niece?” Lex’s voice rose an octave as she tickled the baby’s Pillsbury-Doughboy stomach. The baby screamed on. “Hey there, cutie, you’re so big, betcha having fun, is Grandma showing you off, well, you just look pretty as a picture, are you enjoying your Red Egg and Ginger party? Okay, Grandma, I have to sit down. Bye.”
Before Grandma could say another word, Lex whisked away into the throng of milling relatives. Phase one, accomplished. Grandmother engaged. Retreat commencing before more nagging words like “dating” and “marriage” sullied the air.
Next to find her cousins—and best friends—Trish, Venus, and Jenn, who were saving a seat for her. She headed toward the back where all the other unmarried cousins sat as far away from Grandma as physically possible.
Their table was scrunched into the corner against towering stacks of unused chairs—like the restaurant could even hold more chairs. “Lex!” Trish flapped her raised hand so hard, Lex expected it to fly off at any moment. Next to her, Venus lounged, as gorgeous as always and looking bored, while Jennifer sat quietly on her other side, twirling a lock of her long straight hair. On either side of them …
“Hey, where’s my seat?”
Venus’s wide almond eyes sent a sincere apology. “We failed you, babe. We had a seat saved next to Jenn, but then . . .” She pointed to where the back of a portly aunty’s chair had rammed up against their table. “We had to remove the chair, and by then, the rest were filled.”
“Traitors. You should have shoved somebody under the table.”
Venus grinned evilly. “You’d fit under there, Lex.”
Trish whapped Venus in the arm. “Be nice.”
A few of the other cousins looked at them strangely, but they got that a lot. The four of them became close when they shared an apartment during college, but even more so when they all became Christian. No one else understood their flaws, foibles, and faith.
Lex had to find someplace to sit. At the very least, she wanted to snarf some overpriced, high calorie, high cholesterol food at this torturous party.
She scanned the sea of black heads, gray heads, dyed heads, small children’s heads with upside-down ricebowl haircuts, and teenager heads with highlighting and funky colors.
There. A table with an empty chair. Her cousin Bobby, his wife, his mother-in-law, and his brood. Six—count ’em, six— little people under the age of five.
Lex didn’t object to kids. She liked them. She enjoyed coaching her girls’ volleyball club team. But these were Bobby’s kids. The 911 operators knew them by name. The local cops drew straws on who would have to go to their house when they got a call.
However, it might not be so bad to sit with Bobby and family. Kids ate less than adults, meaning more food for Lex.
“Hi, Bobby. This seat taken?”
“No, go ahead and sit.” Bobby’s moon-face nodded toward the empty chair.
Lex smiled at his nervous wife, who wrestled with an infant making intermittent screeching noises. “Is that …” Oh great. Boxed yourself in now. Name a name, any name. “Uh … Kyle?”
The beleaguered mom’s smile darted in and out of her grimace as she tried to keep the flailing baby from squirming into a face-plant on the floor. “Yes, this is Kylie. Can you believe she’s so big?” One of her sons lifted a fork. “No, sweetheart, put the food down—!”
The deep-fried missile sailed across the table, trailing a tail of vegetables and sticky sauce. Lex had protected her face from volleyballs slammed at eighty miles an hour, but she’d never dodged multi-shots of food. She swatted away a flying net of lemony shredded lettuce, but a bullet of sauce-soaked fried chicken nailed her right in the chest.
Yuck. Well, good thing she could wash—oops, no, she hadn’t worn her normal cotton dress. This was the new silk one. The one with the price tag that made her gasp, but also made her look like she actually had a waist instead of a plank for a torso. The dress with the “dry-clean only” tag.
“Oh! I’m sorry, Lex. Bad boy. Look what you did.” Bobby’s wife leaned across the table with a napkin held out, still clutching her baby whose foot was dragging through the chow mein platter.
The little boy sitting next to Lex shouted in laughter. Which wouldn’t have been so bad if he hadn’t had a mouth full of chewed bok choy in garlic sauce.
Regurgitated cabbage rained on Lex’s chest, dampening the sunny lemon chicken. The child pointed at the pattern on her dress and squealed as if he had created a Vermeer. The other children laughed with him.
“Hey boys! That’s not nice.” Bobby glared at his sons, but otherwise didn’t stop shoveling salt-and-pepper shrimp into his mouth.
Lex scrubbed at the mess, but the slimy sauces refused to transfer from her dress onto the polyester napkin, instead clinging to the blue silk like mucus. Oh man, disgustamundo. Lex’s stomach gurgled. Why was every other part of her athlete’s body strong except for her stomach?
She needed to clean herself up. Lex wrestled herself out of the chair and bumped an older man sitting behind her. “Sorry.” The violent motion made the nausea swell, then recede. Don’t be silly. Stop being a wimp. But her already sensitive stomach had dropped the call with her head.
Breathe. In. Out. No, not through your nose. Don’t look at that boy’s drippy nose. Turn away from the drooling baby.
She needed fresh air in her face. She didn’t care how rude it was, she was leaving now.
“There you are, Lex.”
What in the world was Grandma doing at the far end of the restaurant? This was supposed to be a safe haven. Why would Grandma take a rare venture from the other side where the “more important” family members sat?
“My goodness, Lex! What happened to you?”
“I sat next to Bobby’s kids.”
Grandma’s powdered face scrunched into a grimace. “Here, let me go to the restroom with you.” The bright eyes strayed again to the mess on the front of her dress. She gasped.
Oh, no, what else? “What is it?” Lex asked.
“You never wear nice clothes. You always wear that hideous black thing.”
“We’ve already been over this—”
“I never noticed that you have no bosom. No wonder you can’t get a guy.”
Lex’s jaw felt like a loose hinge. The breath stuck in her chest until she forced a painful cough. “Grandma!”
Out of the corner of her eye, Lex could see heads swivel. Grandma’s voice carried better than a soccer commentator at the World Cup.
Grandma bent closer to peer at Lex’s chest. Lex jumped backward, but the chair behind her wouldn’t let her move very far.
Grandma straightened with a frighteningly excited look on her face. “I know what I’ll do.”
God, now would be a good time for a waiter to brain her with a serving platter.
Grandmother gave a gleeful smile and clapped her hands. “Yes, it’s perfect. I’ll pay for breast implants for you!”
© Camy Tang
Used by permission of Zondervan
I've added a button to my blog!
I have to start out by explaining that the wonderful folks with Fiction in Rather Short Takes are responsible for starting me on this journey into cyber-space! I am an avid reader and writer, and I feel very strongly about sharing good Christian fiction with folks who care about what they feed their minds. The Christian fiction market has changed dramatically over the last 15 years, and it thrills me to know I can be encouraged and challenged as a child of God by the fiction I choose to read.
Of course, as in any fiction selection, there are genres that appeal to some that others simply can't tolerate, and I am certain I will have varied opinions about the things I read and share with you. Thanks to the folks with FIRST, my own window into the world of fiction will be broader than before, and I am excited about that! So, when you decide to look through the window into my world, you will see a lot about what I'm reading. However, as I grow and learn about "blogging" I'm sure I will share more aspects of my life.
So, bear with me! I'm excited to have this small window opened to the world, and I look forward to sharing some great reads with you!!
Have a blessed day!
Of course, as in any fiction selection, there are genres that appeal to some that others simply can't tolerate, and I am certain I will have varied opinions about the things I read and share with you. Thanks to the folks with FIRST, my own window into the world of fiction will be broader than before, and I am excited about that! So, when you decide to look through the window into my world, you will see a lot about what I'm reading. However, as I grow and learn about "blogging" I'm sure I will share more aspects of my life.
So, bear with me! I'm excited to have this small window opened to the world, and I look forward to sharing some great reads with you!!
Have a blessed day!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
My attempt to join the world of technology.
As a first-time blogger....actually I have NO idea what I'm doing!....it is rather humbling to consider that these words will be sent out for any number of people to read and comment on. However, I feel like there is much to be discussed about this wonderful world that the Lord has made, and I am anxious to discover where this world of blogging will take me. So, join me on my journey, will you? I look forward to exploring this new world together!